16.04.2011, 17:38
||- Informacion -||
With this FS you can detected SPAM in your own servers. More info in below images.
||- Screens -||
Normal SPAM.

Other SPAM.

Note: This images has been modification from the original FS. MOre info in the "Example"
||- Example -||
||- Download -||
||- Credits -||
- GROVE4L (Script)
With this FS you can detected SPAM in your own servers. More info in below images.
||- Screens -||
Normal SPAM.

Other SPAM.

Note: This images has been modification from the original FS. MOre info in the "Example"
||- Example -||
pawn Code:
public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[])
MensajeError(playerid,"No esta permitido el SPAM."); //Message to SPAM Player
SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF0000FF,"Los administradores fueron advertidos."); //Message to SPAM Player
format(largocolor,128,"[DC] Usuario %s[ID:%i] esta intentando hacer SPAM.",NombreEx(playerid),playerid); //String with Name and ID of SPAM Player
MandarMensajeAdmins(largocolor,1); //Send the message to all admins.
format(largocolor,128,"Texto enviado: \"%s\"",text); //String with message sender text of SPAM player
MandarMensajeAdmins(largocolor,1); //Send the message to all admins.
return 0; //Not display the message
return 1;
||- Credits -||
- GROVE4L (Script)