Conditional script problem

I have this script
	if(strcmp(cmd, "/pvlock", true) == 0)
     	if(gPlayercars[playerid] == 1)
     	    new v, Float:vehx, Float:vehy, Float:vehz;
			v = Vehicle[playerid];
	    	GetVehiclePos(v, vehx, vehy, vehz);
    		if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 3.0, vehx, vehy, vehz))
    		    if(VehicleInfo[playerid][Locked] == 0)
					SetVehicleParamsForPlayer(v, playerid, 0, 1);
			    	PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1145, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
					GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Car locked!", 3000, 6);
 					VehicleInfo[playerid][Locked] = 1;
	 				gVehLocked[v] = 1;
					return 1;
				if(VehicleInfo[playerid][Locked] == 1)
					SetVehicleParamsForPlayer(v, playerid, 0, 0);
			    	PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1145, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
					GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~g~Car unlocked!", 3000, 6);
 					VehicleInfo[playerid][Locked] = 0;
	 				gVehLocked[v] = 0;
					return 1;
			    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xAFAFAFAA, "You are too far away from your vehicle.");
			    return 1;
		    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xAFAFAFAA, "You don't own a vehicle.");
		return 1;
This is a script for locking a vehicle which you own and only works if ur near it. And Vehicle[playerid]; is the variable of the car you own. Now what i want is , If i have another car, say Vehicle2[playerid];, Then it has different location (x,y,z) from that of Vehicle[playerid]; , Now what i need is, If we are near Vehicle[playerid]; it should lock the first car and if we are near Vehicle2[playerid];, It should lock the second one, It shouldnt lock both of them. And if we near none of them, It returns. Can u tell how to make it. Thanks

pawn Код:
stock Float:GetDistanceBetweenPoints(Float:x1, Float:y1, Float:z1, Float:x2, Float:y2, Float:z2)
    x1 -= x2;
    y1 -= y2;
    z1 -= z2;
    return floatsqroot((x1 * x1) + (y1 * y1) + (z1 * z1));
Then just find the car that is the least far away from the player.

Im new to this GetDistanceBetweenPoints function, can you rewrite the script with that function please, Thanks for replying fast

Bump! please help

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