using zcmd

hey i am trying to use zcmd in my server instead of the standard, but i can not get it to work, i get to many errors i must have done something wrong in the start or at the buttom, but i can not figure out what .

Well, you should see a zcmd tutorial. If you want to use dcmd you can check my tutorial in my signature

i have read the tutorial. before i converted all my commands into zcmd i tried with 1 command only and it compiled without errors but know i got alot :S

Show your commands here or you can send me a PM and I'll try fix it for you

after i changed all my stuff to zcmd it fucked completly up. i am out of boundaries and even though i write teleport commands im still out of boundaries . anyone got a clue why that is happning :O?

is there a way to add zcmd to a callback so i can do as i did with onplayercommand. i can not figure out how people cant write any commands (if m4war[playerid]) = 1 and that was easy for me before.

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