Need help with MYSQL not saving gun cords..

I'm trying to get a DROPGUN script to save all the objects after a restart through MYSQL. The problem is that the gun object IDs aren't saving and loading where they should. Normally I could /dw and the gun would appear on the floor and still be there after logging in and out. When I restart however, the guns disappear and don't load properly.

pawn Код:
function SavePickupWeapons()
    new query[256];


    format(query, sizeof query, "DELETE FROM pickup_weapons");
    printf("QUERY: %s", query);

    for(new w; w < maxobj; w++)
        if(ObjCoords[w][0] != 0.0)
            format(query, sizeof query, "INSERT INTO pickup_weapons (pickupid, weapid, ammo, x, y, z) VALUES (%d, %d, %d, '%f', '%f', '%f')",
            GunObjects[ObjectID[w][0]][0], ObjectID[w][0], ObjectID[w][1], ObjCoords[w][0],ObjCoords[w][1],ObjCoords[w][2]);
            printf("%s", query);
    printf("pickup weapons saved");

function LoadPickupWeapons()
    new resultline[256];
    new player[6][32];
    new query[256];


//    format(query, sizeof query, "SELECT * FROM pickup_weapons");
    printf("QUERY: %s",query);

    for(new f; f < maxobj; f++)
    while (mysql_fetch_row(resultline) != 0)
        printf("%s", resultline);
        split(resultline, player, '|');
        ObjectID[f][0] = strval(player[1]);
        ObjectID[f][1] = strval(player[2]);
        ObjCoords[f][0] = floatstr(player[3]);
        ObjCoords[f][1] = floatstr(player[4]);
        ObjCoords[f][2] = floatstr(player[5]);
        object[f] = CreateObject(strval(player[0]),ObjCoords[f][0],ObjCoords[f][1],ObjCoords[f][2]-1,93.7,120.0,120.0);

    printf("pickup weapons loaded.");
    return 1;
Can someone help me please? These are the two functions that are supposed to be working.

Why is it an object and not a pickup?

I'm to tired to look at the code, but do some prints in there to check if the functions gets called at all.

Use mysql_debug(1); at the top of your script then go to the server directory and paste what it says in the mysql log file.

Actually, I'm trying to make that also, but it won't work, someone would help us please?

Firstly dont abuse MySQL, I mean its not kid toy...

in way how you format query you can easly brake down your DB, because I bet you everywhere use this style of format, try to use this:
pawn Код:
format(query, sizeof query, "INSERT INTO `pickup_weapons` (`pickupid`, `weapid`, `ammo`, `x`, `y`, `z`) VALUES ('%d', '%d', '%d', '%0.3f', '%0.3f', '%0.3f')",
Also I hope you use mysql_real_escape_string(); everywhere where you save strings, also you make a loop where you insert into DB, so what if someon decides to spam your drop cmd, it will hangup your DB

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