[Tool/Web/Other] Interior Door's coordinates

Bem, estou fazendo meu house system, mas como tб ficando muito bom, nгo sei se vou fazer release, mas pensei em soltar isso pra galera, sгo as coordenadas de todas as portas de casas do GTA.


Tipo, isso foi trabalhoso pra crlh entгo, pelo menos coloca meu nome lб.


Creditos: Eu, SAMP, Wiki, Rockstar Games, e uasnhuonafpw8ybnfwpgg

Isso ajudara que for fazer um sistema de casa como voce esta fazendo..pouparia trabalho...

Bem, jб existe um site com essas informaзхes sobre as coordenadas dos interiores, e ainda mostrando imagens deles .

Mas vai que a internet do cara cai nй .

Se as coordenadas forem das portas que levam aos interiores, serб bem ъtil .

Bom trabalho !.

no prуprio SAMP Sever tem isto:
0 11 2003.1178 1015.1948 33.008 351.5789 Four Dragons' Managerial Suite ;
1 5 770.8033 -0.7033 1000.7267 22.8599 Ganton Gym ;
2 3 974.0177 -9.5937 1001.1484 22.6045 Brothel ;
3 3 961.9308 -51.9071 1001.1172 95.5381 Brothel2 ;
4 3 830.6016 5.9404 1004.1797 125.8149 Inside Track Betting ;
5 3 1037.8276 0.397 1001.2845 353.9335 Blastin' Fools Records ;
6 3 1212.1489 -28.5388 1000.9531 170.5692 The Big Spread Ranch ;
7 18 1290.4106 1.9512 1001.0201 179.9419 Warehouse 1 ;
8 1 1412.1472 -2.2836 1000.9241 114.661 Warehouse 2 ;
9 3 1527.0468 -12.0236 1002.0971 350.0013 B Dup's Apartment ;
10 2 1523.5098 -47.8211 1002.2699 262.7038 B Dup's Crack Palace ;
11 3 612.2191 -123.9028 997.9922 266.5704 Wheel Arch Angels ;
12 3 512.9291 -11.6929 1001.5653 198.7669 OG Loc's House ;
13 3 418.4666 -80.4595 1001.8047 343.2358 Barber Shop ;
14 3 386.5259 173.6381 1008.3828 63.7399 Planning Department ;
15 3 288.4723 170.0647 1007.1794 22.0477 Las Venturas Police Department ;
16 3 206.4627 -137.7076 1003.0938 10.9347 Pro-Laps ;
17 3 -100.2674 -22.9376 1000.7188 17.285 Sex Shop ;
18 3 -201.2236 -43.2465 1002.2734 45.8613 Las Venturas Tattoo parlor ;
19 17 -202.9381 -6.7006 1002.2734 204.2693 Lost San Fierro Tattoo parlor ;
20 17 -25.7220 -187.8216 1003.5469 5.0760 24/7 (version 1) ;
21 5 454.9853 -107.2548 999.4376 309.0195 Diner 1 ;
22 5 372.5565 -131.3607 1001.4922 354.2285 Pizza Stack ;
23 17 378.026 -190.5155 1000.6328 141.0245 Rusty Brown's Donuts ;
24 7 315.244 -140.8858 999.6016 7.4226 Ammu-nation ;
25 5 225.0306 -9.1838 1002.218 85.5322 Victim ;
26 2 611.3536 -77.5574 997.9995 320.9263 Loco Low Co ;
27 10 246.0688 108.9703 1003.2188 0.2922 San Fierro Police Department ;
28 10 6.0856 -28.8966 1003.5494 5.0365 24/7 (version 2 - large) ;
29 7 773.7318 -74.6957 1000.6542 5.2304 Below The Belt Gym (Las Venturas) ;
30 1 621.4528 -23.7289 1000.9219 15.6789 Transfenders ;
31 1 445.6003 -6.9823 1000.7344 172.2105 World of Coq ;
32 1 285.8361 -39.0166 1001.5156 0.7529 Ammu-nation (version 2) ;
33 1 204.1174 -46.8047 1001.8047 357.5777 SubUrban ;
34 1 245.2307 304.7632 999.1484 273.4364 Denise's Bedroom ;
35 3 290.623 309.0622 999.1484 89.9164 Helena's Barn ;
36 5 322.5014 303.6906 999.1484 8.1747 Barbara's Love nest ;
37 1 -2041.2334 178.3969 28.8465 156.2153 San Fierro Garage ;
38 1 -1402.6613 106.3897 1032.2734 105.1356 Oval Stadium ;
39 7 -1403.0116 -250.4526 1043.5341 355.8576 8-Track Stadium ;
40 2 1204.6689 -13.5429 1000.9219 350.0204 The Pig Pen (strip club 2) ;
41 10 2016.1156 1017.1541 996.875 88.0055 Four Dragons ;
42 1 -741.8495 493.0036 1371.9766 71.7782 Liberty City ;
43 2 2447.8704 -1704.4509 1013.5078 314.5253 Ryder's house ;
44 1 2527.0176 -1679.2076 1015.4986 260.9709 Sweet's House ;
45 10 -1129.8909 1057.5424 1346.4141 274.5268 RC Battlefield ;
46 3 2496.0549 -1695.1749 1014.7422 179.2174 The Johnson House ;
47 10 366.0248 -73.3478 1001.5078 292.0084 Burger shot ;
48 1 2233.9363 1711.8038 1011.6312 184.3891 Caligula's Casino ;
49 2 269.6405 305.9512 999.1484 215.6625 Katie's Lovenest ;
50 2 414.2987 -18.8044 1001.8047 41.4265 Barber Shop 2 (Reece's) ;
51 2 1.1853 -3.2387 999.4284 87.5718 Angel Pine Trailer ;
52 18 -30.9875 -89.6806 1003.5469 359.8401 24/7 (version 3) ;
53 18 161.4048 -94.2416 1001.8047 0.7938 Zip ;
54 3 -2638.8232 1407.3395 906.4609 94.6794 The Pleasure Domes ;
55 5 1267.8407 -776.9587 1091.9063 231.3418 Madd Dogg's Mansion ;
56 2 2536.5322 -1294.8425 1044.125 254.9548 Big Smoke's Crack Palace ;
57 5 2350.1597 -1181.0658 1027.9766 99.1864 Burning Desire Building ;
58 1 -2158.6731 642.09 1052.375 86.5402 Wu-Zi Mu's ;
59 10 419.8936 2537.1155 10 67.6537 Abandoned AC tower ;
60 14 256.9047 -41.6537 1002.0234 85.8774 Wardrobe/Changing room ;
61 14 204.1658 -165.7678 1000.5234 181.7583 Didier Sachs ;
62 12 1133.35 -7.8462 1000.6797 165.8482 Casino (Redsands West) ;
63 14 -1420.4277 1616.9221 1052.5313 159.1255 Kickstart Stadium ;
64 17 493.1443 -24.2607 1000.6797 356.9864 Club ;
65 18 1727.2853 -1642.9451 20.2254 172.4193 Atrium ;
66 16 -202.842 -24.0325 1002.2734 252.8154 Los Santos Tattoo Parlor ;
67 5 2233.6919 -1112.8107 1050.8828 8.6483 Safe House group 1 ;
68 6 2194.7900 -1204.3500 1049.0234 90.0000 Safe House group 2 ;
69 9 2319.1272 -1023.9562 1050.2109 167.3959 Safe House group 3 ;
70 10 2261.0977 -1137.8833 1050.6328 266.88 Safe House group 4 ;
71 17 -944.2402 1886.1536 5.0051 179.8548 Sherman Dam ;
72 16 -26.1856 -140.9164 1003.5469 2.9087 24/7 (version 4) ;
73 15 2217.281 -1150.5349 1025.7969 273.7328 Jefferson Motel ;
74 1 1.5491 23.3183 1199.5938 359.9054 Jet Interior ;
75 1 681.6216 -451.8933 -25.6172 166.166 The Welcome Pump ;
76 3 234.6087 1187.8195 1080.2578 349.4844 Burglary House X1 ;
77 2 225.5707 1240.0643 1082.1406 96.2852 Burglary House X2 ;
78 1 224.288 1289.1907 1082.1406 359.868 Burglary House X3 ;
79 5 239.2819 1114.1991 1080.9922 270.2654 Burglary House X4 ;
80 15 207.5219 -109.7448 1005.1328 358.62 Binco ;
81 15 295.1391 1473.3719 1080.2578 352.9526 4 Burglary houses ;
82 15 -1417.8927 932.4482 1041.5313 0.7013 Blood Bowl Stadium ;
83 12 446.3247 509.9662 1001.4195 330.5671 Budget Inn Motel Room ;
84 0 2306.3826 -15.2365 26.7496 274.49 Palamino Bank ;
85 0 2331.8984 6.7816 26.5032 100.2357 Palamino Diner ;
86 0 663.0588 -573.6274 16.3359 264.9829 Dillimore Gas Station ;
87 18 -227.5703 1401.5544 27.7656 269.2978 Lil' Probe Inn ;
88 0 -688.1496 942.0826 13.6328 177.6574 Torreno's Ranch ;
89 0 -1916.1268 714.8617 46.5625 152.2839 Zombotech - lobby area ;
90 0 818.7714 -1102.8689 25.794 91.1439 Crypt in LS cemetery (temple) ;
91 0 255.2083 -59.6753 1.5703 1.4645 Blueberry Liquor Store ;
92 2 446.626 1397.738 1084.3047 343.9647 Pair of Burglary Houses ;
93 5 318.5645 1118.2079 1083.8828 0.0000 Crack Den ;
94 5 227.7559 1114.3844 1080.9922 266.2624 Burglary House X11 ;
95 4 261.1165 1287.2197 1080.2578 178.9149 Burglary House X12 ;
96 4 286.1490 -84.5633 1001.5156 319.5923 Ammu-nation (version 3) ;
97 4 449.0172 -88.9894 999.5547 89.6608 Jay's Diner ;
98 4 -27.844 -26.6737 1003.5573 184.3118 24/7 (version 5) ;
99 0 2135.2004 -2276.2815 20.6719 318.59 Warehouse 3 ;
100 4 306.1966 307.819 1003.3047 203.1354 Michelle's Love Nest* ;
101 10 24.3769 1341.1829 1084.375 8.3305 Burglary House X14 ;
102 1 963.0586 2159.7563 1011.0303 175.313 Sindacco Abatoir ;
103 0 2548.4807 2823.7429 10.8203 270.6003 K.A.C.C. Military Fuels Depot ;
104 0 215.1515 1874.0579 13.1406 177.5538 Area 69 ;
105 4 221.6766 1142.4962 1082.6094 184.9618 Burglary House X13 ;
106 12 2323.7063 -1147.6509 1050.7101 206.5352 Unused Safe House ;
107 6 344.9984 307.1824 999.1557 193.643 Millie's Bedroom ;
108 12 411.9707 -51.9217 1001.8984 173.3449 Barber Shop ;
109 4 -1421.5618 -663.8262 1059.5569 170.9341 Dirtbike Stadium ;
110 6 773.8887 -47.7698 1000.5859 10.7161 Cobra Gym ;
111 6 246.6695 65.8039 1003.6406 7.9562 Los Santos Police Department ;
112 14 -1864.9434 55.7325 1055.5276 85.8541 Los Santos Airport ;
113 4 -262.1759 1456.6158 1084.3672 82.459 Burglary House X15 ;
114 5 22.861 1404.9165 1084.4297 349.6158 Burglary House X16 ;
115 5 140.3679 1367.8837 1083.8621 349.2372 Burglary House X17 ;
116 3 1494.8589 1306.48 1093.2953 196.065 Bike School ;
117 14 -1813.213 -58.012 1058.9641 335.3199 Francis International Airport ;
118 16 -1401.067 1265.3706 1039.8672 178.6483 Vice Stadium ;
119 6 234.2826 1065.229 1084.2101 4.3864 Burglary House X18 ;
120 6 -68.5145 1353.8485 1080.2109 3.5742 Burglary House X19 ;
121 6 -2240.1028 136.973 1035.4141 269.0954 Zero's RC Shop ;
122 6 297.144 -109.8702 1001.5156 20.2254 Ammu-nation (version 4) ;
123 6 316.5025 -167.6272 999.5938 10.3031 Ammu-nation (version 5) ;
124 15 -285.2511 1471.197 1084.375 85.6547 Burglary House X20 ;
125 6 -26.8339 -55.5846 1003.5469 3.9528 24/7 (version 6) ;
126 6 442.1295 -52.4782 999.7167 177.9394 Secret Valley Diner ;
127 2 2182.2017 1628.5848 1043.8723 224.8601 Rosenberg's Office in Caligulas ;
128 6 748.4623 1438.2378 1102.9531 0.6069 Fanny Batter's Whore House ;
129 8 2807.3604 -1171.7048 1025.5703 193.7117 Colonel Furhberger's ;
130 9 366.0002 -9.4338 1001.8516 160.528 Cluckin' Bell ;
131 1 2216.1282 -1076.3052 1050.4844 86.428 The Camel's Toe Safehouse ;
132 1 2268.5156 1647.7682 1084.2344 99.7331 Caligula's Roof ;
133 2 2236.6997 -1078.9478 1049.0234 2.5706 Old Venturas Strip Casino ;
134 3 -2031.1196 -115.8287 1035.1719 190.1877 Driving School ;
135 8 2365.1089 -1133.0795 1050.875 177.3947 Verdant Bluffs Safehouse ;
136 0 1168.512 1360.1145 10.9293 196.5933 Bike School ;
137 9 315.4544 976.5972 1960.8511 359.6368 Andromada ;
138 10 1893.0731 1017.8958 31.8828 86.1044 Four Dragons' Janitor's Office ;
139 11 501.9578 -70.5648 998.7578 171.5706 Bar ;
140 8 -42.5267 1408.23 1084.4297 172.068 Burglary House X21 ;
141 11 2282.9099 -1138.2900 1050.8984 0.0000 Willowfield Safehouse ;
142 9 84.9244 1324.2983 1083.8594 159.5582 Burglary House X22 ;
143 9 260.7421 1238.2261 1084.2578 84.3084 Burglary House X23 ;
144 0 -1658.1656 1215.0002 7.25 103.9074 Otto's Autos ;
145 0 -1961.6281 295.2378 35.4688 264.4891 Wang Cars ;
Mais ta ai,
bom trabalho.!

Originally Posted by rjjj
Посмотреть сообщение
Bem, jб existe um site com essas informaзхes sobre as coordenadas dos interiores, e ainda mostrando imagens deles .

Mas vai que internet do cara cai nй .

Se as coordenadas forem das portas que levam aos interiores, serб bem ъtil .

Bom trabalho !.
Sim, sгo das portas e sгo apenas de casas.

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