[FilterScript] [MAC] Matt Anti Cheat

Hello , I would like to introduce you to my newest Filterscript. This is Anti Cheat which provides you Anti Weapon Cheat only (I have my own Anti Cheat Full Version with everything but I only want to publish this sorry).

What is this FS doing?

It's kicking everybody who spawn weapon ID's which are wroted in .pwn file and saving cheater name in log file named "mac_cheaters.log"


No bugs. 100% tested and no bug at all!





Matt(me) - For making this AC.

Thanks to

Mario - For testing the script.

Hope you like it , don't remove credits

Too easy to make but good for your first FS

Looks nice, but couldn't you make it more simple for people to add banned weapons into the script?

Maybe create an array, and loop through it to see if the player has that specific weapon equipped. For example;
pawn Код:
enum BannedWeaponsData {id}
new BannedWeapons[][BannedWeaponsData] = {
35, 36, 37, 38, 39 //Add more if needed

//Then you could check for a banned weapon by doing:

new weap = GetPlayerWeapon(playerid);
for(new i; i < sizeof(BannedWeapons); i++)
     if(i == weap)
          //Do your thing to ban/log the player here

Easy to make for some little better scripters , for beginners not !

BTW. This is not my 1st FS

Funky , I could use the arrays but forgot to

Edit it! Quick before no one see's ¬¬

Hahaha Maybe you could make that as an update? Or an "optional" update.

I made this because friend of meine ask me to make some Anti Weapon Cheat for him and I don't have time because of school I have so much to study today so I made it most simplest I could , maybe update

Fair enough
I have the same problem with school work and stuff, and i run an entire server :/ Yay! (< Sarcastic)

If I ever finish this problems in school , I will make some good and very usable Filterscripts.

pretty gud

Thank you

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