08.09.2007, 22:11
Zamaroht's TextDraw Editor V0.6
__________________________________________________ ________________________________________________TextDraw Editor 1.0 has been released! It's fully advised to download this last version from here!
__________________________________________________ ________________________________________________General Info:
With this FilterScript (or tool), you can make TextDraws very easily from in-game, and export all the lines to a file, so you just copy and past the lines on your script. This means, no more headaches for getting coordinates and so on.
It uses a menu interface, with all things you can do with TextDraws:
For Text movement and Size changing, you will use "Crouch"(down), "Jump"(up), "Look Behind"(left) and "Walk"(right) keys. These will move the text very slowly, so you can use the "Sprint" key to move/change size faster. When you finish with it, just press "Action" key (normally TAB) to place the text.
Its very easy to use, even for new people in pawn.
Command List:
/text: Its used for open the Main Menu with the TextDraw functions.
/edit [id]: If you want to edit a textdraw you can alternatively use this command.
/moveup [id] [float amount]: Moves the textdraw in 'id' the amount of units scpecified in 'float amount' to the up.
/movedown [id] [float amount]: Moves the textdraw in 'id' the amount of units scpecified in 'float amount' to the down.
/moveleft [id] [float amount]: Moves the textdraw in 'id' the amount of units scpecified in 'float amount' to the left.
/moveright [id] [float amount]: Moves the textdraw in 'id' the amount of units scpecified in 'float amount' to the right.
/offsetx [id] [float amount]: Sets the textdraw in 'id' in the x position specified in 'float amount'.
/offsety [id] [float amount]: Sets the textdraw in 'id' in the y position specified in 'float amount'.
/height [id] [float amount]: Sets the height of the letter size of the textdraw in 'id' to 'float amount'.
/width [id] [float amount]: Sets the width of the letter size of the textdraw in 'id' to 'float amount'.
All the script was done by Zamaroht (me).
Special thanks to:
- IJzerenRita for helping me on saving system.
Lastest version is 0.6, look in the changelog below for a list of changes between versions
Mirror 1
Seif's Edit - .pwn (Source file)
v0.6 - .pwn (Source file)
v0.6 - .amx (Compiled and ready-to-use file)
Release Notes:
Seif's edit - 20/08/08
Added: Support for key holding.
0.6 - 07/02/2008
Fixed: Bug where the semicolon wasn't added at the end of every line in the saved file
Added: Commands /moveup /movedown /moveright /moveleft /offsetx /offsety /height /width
0.5 - 07/02/2008
Added: Support for multiple textdraws
0.2.5 - 06/02/2008
Added: Support for custom file name, so multiple textdraws can be saved.
Fixed: Change on textdraws letter size, where the changes were huge.
Note: This version was never public released due to the instant start on the develop of 0.5
0.2.1 - 28/10/2007
Fixed: Bug with string line copied to file.
0.2 - 9/09/2007
First public release.
Also, remember that I'm not a pro scripter yet, and script performance could be improved, but that really doesnt matter very much in this kind of script, that are for single/personal/private use, cant ruin a multiplayer experience at all.
Feel free to edit the script acording to your needs, but please keep my name in the credits as 'base script by'
For those who were experiencing server crashes:
This possible happens for gamemode changing/server restarting, not sure why, so just add it to filterscripts line, run the server, dont change anything, and do the textdraw.