
hello guys,

I had that problem ~one hour ago..

so the problem is:

When gamemode inits my mode name is sets to Unknown, server wont load any car.. its like error with plugin, but server loads all plugins perfect. also, there isnt any output about some plugin or smth..



[14:44:38] Loaded.
[14:44:38] Loading plugin: sscanf

[14:44:38] ===============================

[14:44:38] sscanf plugin loaded.

[14:44:38] © 2009 Alex "******" Cole

[14:44:38] ===============================

[14:44:38] Loaded.
[14:44:38] Loading plugin: streamer

*** Streamer Plugin v2.5.1 by Incognito loaded ***

[14:44:38] Loaded.
[14:44:38] Loaded 3 plugins.

[14:44:38] Ban list
[14:44:38] --------
[14:44:38] Loaded: samp.ban
[14:44:38] Filter Scripts
[14:44:38] ---------------
[14:44:38] Loaded 0 filter scripts.

[14:44:38] *** Audio Plugin: Started TCP server on port 9880
[14:44:38] =======================================
[14:44:38] | |
[14:44:38] | YSI version 1.03.0011 |
[14:44:38] | By Alex "******" Cole |
[14:44:38] | |
[14:44:38] | Checking the latest YSI version.. |
[14:44:38] | |
[14:44:38] =======================================
[14:44:38] [Verslų sistema]: Verslai sėkmingai pakrauti!
[14:44:38] Number of vehicle models: 0
[14:44:38] ======================================
[14:44:38] | |
[14:44:38] | Congratulations! You are running |
[14:44:38] | the latest version of YSI! |
[14:44:38] | |
[14:44:38] ======================================


printf( "print #1 | init" );
printf( "print #2 | init" );

printf( "print #1 | main" );
printf( "print #2 | main" );

and prints works, there is output.

nvm, I have fixed that problem..

there is another problem with house system..

So, when I enter house cp server does nothing.. (I mean no dialog for house buy, for house enter and . . . )

pawn Код:
foreach(Namai, hID)
        if( checkpointid == NamuDB[ hID ][ nNamuCP ][ 1 ] ) // interior
            if( NamuDB[ hID ][ nUzrakintas ] == 1 ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, ""#h_Balta"["#h_Melyna"PRANEРIMAS"#h_Balta"]: Namas yra "#h_Raudona"uюrakintas!" ); // if the house is locked
            SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, ""#h_Balta"["#h_Melyna"PRANEРIMAS"#h_Balta"]: Sлkmingai iрлjote iр namo." );
            SetPlayerPos( playerid, NamuDB[ hID ][ nIsejimas ][ 0 ], NamuDB[ hID ][ nIsejimas ][ 1 ], NamuDB[ hID ][ nIsejimas ][ 2 ] );
            SetPlayerInterior( playerid, 0 );
            SetPlayerVirtualWorld( playerid, 0 );
        if( checkpointid == NamuDB[ hID ][ nNamuCP ][ 0 ] ) // out
                Stringas[ 146 ]
            if( NamuDB[ hID ][ nNupirktas ] == 0 && GetPVarInt( playerid, "Namas" ) == -1 ) // if the house isnt for sale and player dont have any house
                format( Stringas, 144, ""#h_Balta"Ar tikrai norite pirkti рб namа?\n\n"#h_Balta"Namo numeris: "#h_Melyna"%d\n"#h_Balta"Namo kaina: "#h_Melyna"%d$", NamuDB[ hID ][ nNamoID ], NamuDB[ hID ][ nKaina ] );
                ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, 93, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, ""#h_Balta"Namo pirkimas", Stringas, "Pirkti", "Nepirkti" );
                SetPVarInt( playerid, "nNamas", hID );
            if( NamuDB[ hID ][ nUzrakintas ] == 1 && NamuDB[ hID ][ nNupirktas ] == 1 ) // if the house isnt locked and its not for sale
                format( Stringas, 146, ""#h_Balta"["#h_Melyna"PRANEРIMAS"#h_Balta"]: Рis namas yra "#h_Raudona"uюrakintas"#h_Balta"! Jo savininkas: "#h_Melyna"%s", NamuDB[ hID ][ nSavininkas ] );
                SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, Stringas );
            if( NamuDB[ hID ][ nUzrakintas ] == 0 && NamuDB[ hID ][ nNupirktas ] == 1 ) SetPlayerPos( playerid, NamuDB[ hID ][ nIeimas ][ 0 ], NamuDB[ hID ][ nIeimas ][ 1 ], NamuDB[ hID ][ nIeimas ][ 2 ] ), SetPlayerInterior( playerid, NamuDB[ hID ][ nInterior ] ), SetPlayerVirtualWorld( playerid, NamuDB[ hID ][ nVirtual ] ); // teling player to the house
I tryied to print and check Itter 'Namai', and its value is MAX_HOUSES - 35.

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