WTF`ed bug

So there is my story.

I connected to sa-mp server, latvian server, played for a while in there. Then sa-mp went totaly wrong. Teleports wont work, textdraw wont work ( there was time textdraw ) There were no vehicles for me, and I was not able to see other players but they saw me. Player markers (in minimap and map) worked very well except i saw my marker too. I tried to die, nothing changed. And the best thing, chat worked! I took a little chat with players for about 20 minutes, magic. I got no crash reports. I was able to shoot with guns, get guns etc.

I think it cant be script faulth so decided to write this story here.

There is one proof for that. Look at minimap and in front of my char.
(My nickname in the chat is `blossom[eQ]`)


You got desync'd from the server, it usually happens to me when my ping goes over 1000.

My ping was normal all of the time, they have ping kicker althoug, kicks if ping is above 300...

You were lagged for some longer time. This happens to me when I upload some bigger file by 100% of my upload speed for few minutes (about 4+). Annoying.

Did you upload something before this happend?

Nope I just played as usually without afk`ing.
In fact sa-mp went slower and slower until it stopped at all to load all these things.

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