28.03.2011, 01:45
Hi this is a mapping i had made for a server i am a amateur the server moved locations from LV to Bone County so we did not need it so i have decided to release it to people that might need it here are some screen shots
Fire Station
Fire Training House
Privet Air Field
Cones near LVPD
The fire station and stuff are at black field intersection and the cones are near lvpd this on of my first mapping if not first i can not remember if you got any suggestion for something to be added or for other mappings please pm me and i will try my hardest to work on it
Fire Station
Extra Cones
Fire Station
Fire Training House
Privet Air Field
Cones near LVPD
The fire station and stuff are at black field intersection and the cones are near lvpd this on of my first mapping if not first i can not remember if you got any suggestion for something to be added or for other mappings please pm me and i will try my hardest to work on it
Fire Station
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