Bank limit (Using y_ini)

Alright so i am currently making banks and i need a statement...a bank limit,
but the problem is im completly clueless how should i make it, i gues i need to
use calcualtion or something...
I was trying to look into some scripts like gamemodes and filterscripts here on the forum,
but i didnt found anything that could help me.
So far i have this:

pawn Код:
if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "Bank") // == < > params[0] ? no idea what next :(
Please give me some tips if you can.
Thanks, regards.

X < Y X is smaller than Y and Y is bigger than X
X > Y | X is bigger than Y and Y is smaller than X
X == Y | X equals Y
X <= Y | X is smaller or equals Y
X >= Y | X is bigger of equals Y

I know that, i actualy WAS educated in math.
But thats not the solution its the bank limit that is stated, the maximum value of money the user can have in his bank.

Well, what i told you says pretty much everything, right? Equals or it's higher than amount in bank.

Ok i solved it.

pawn Код:
if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "Bank") + params[0] > 100000)

Nice explained Zh3ro, I will save those examples, thank you

Originally Posted by OldDirtyBastard
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Ok i solved it.

pawn Код:
if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "Bank") + params[0] > 100000)
Use 'strval(params)' instead of 'params[0]', as strval returns the actual value in the string, and params[x] only returns the (ASCII-) value of the given character.

Originally Posted by Hiddos
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Use 'strval(params)' instead of 'params[0]', as strval returns the actual value in the string, and params[x] only returns the (ASCII-) value of the given character.
Thanks for the hint il use it, but now i got a little problem with my code,
as i wanna deposit the same amount twice, it wont write the value in the file, my code:

pawn Код:
CMD:deposit(playerid, params[])
    //statements etc...
    new PlayerFile[13 + MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
    format(PlayerFile, sizeof PlayerFile, "Accounts/%s.ini", Encode(PlayaName(playerid)));
    new INI:PlayerAcc = INI_Open(PlayerFile);
    INI_WriteInt(PlayerAcc, "BANK", GetPVarInt(playerid, "Bank") + strval(params));
    return 1;

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