SA-MP: Quick Survey [#1]

This is the first Quick Survey in SA-MP, lets make it a little successful. Please copy and paste the BBCode below, and post it as a reply with your answers added to it. This quick survey will absolutely not affect in SA-MP's developing, this is to get your opinions.

- Question #1:
How many years have you been playing SA-MP?[INDENT]• Answer[/INDENT]
- Question #2:
If you was a SA-MP developer, what would the first thing you would develop?[INDENT]• Answer[/INDENT]
- Question #3:
If you're own a high-popularity server (400+ players), would you sell ranks just for money?[INDENT]• Answer[/INDENT]
- Question #4:
If you're a experienced scripter, would you sell your scripts just for money, or what?[INDENT]• Answer[/INDENT]
- Question #5:
If you was out of money to renew a 24/7 hosted server, what will you do?[INDENT]• Answer[/INDENT]
- Question #6:
Would you give out ranks, or higher chance to become an staff on your server/site, to people who donate?[INDENT]• Answer[/INDENT]
Thats basically it, it is random questions related to SA-MP - answering whatever will not effect, all answers are not stored. If you feel someone answered the question wrongly, you can leave him/her a message saying your opinion on their answer.


- Question #1:
How many years have you been playing SA-MP?
• 2/3
- Question #2: If you were a SA-MP developer, what would the first thing you would develop?
• Custom modifications, fix sync/lag
- Question #3: If you're own a high-popularity server (400+ players), would you sell ranks just for money?
• If you mean selling administrator status, no.
- Question #4: If you're a experienced scripter, would you sell your scripts just for money, or what?
• Help others when appropriate and charge when required
- Question #5: If you was out of money to renew a 24/7 hosted server, what will you do?
• Ask for donations or just get a life and work for it.
- Question #6: Would you give out ranks, or higher chance to become an staff on your server/site, to people who donate?
• A donor rank which doesn't give them too much power over the players.
Also, for people who want the BBCode / format
- Question #1:
{B}How many years have you been playing SA-MP?{/B}

- Question #2:
{B}If you was a SA-MP developer, what would the first thing you would develop?{/B}

- Question #3:
{B}If you're own a high-popularity server (400+ players), would you sell ranks just for money?{/B}

- Question #4:
{B}If you're a experienced scripter, would you sell your scripts just for money, or what?{/B}

- Question #5:
{B}If you was out of money to renew a 24/7 hosted server, what will you do?{/B}

- Question #6:
{B}Would you give out ranks, or higher chance to become an staff on your server/site, to people who donate?{/B}

( Change the '{' to '[' and '}' to ']' )

btw, you messed up the question numbers.

Thanks for that! Fixed it.

- Question #1:
How many years have you been playing SA-MP?
• Around two years.
- Question #2: If you was a SA-MP developer, what would the first thing you would develop?
• Sounds silly but I would fix sync and add more sounds.
- Question #3: If you're own a high-popularity server (400+ players), would you sell ranks just for money?
• Admin? No.
- Question #4: If you're a experienced scripter, would you sell your scripts just for money, or what?
• Yes, thats if I have time to develop both.
- Question #5: If you was out of money to renew a 24/7 hosted server, what will you do?
• Ask for some donations, if that didn't work I would borrow some money from mother.
- Question #6: Would you give out ranks, or higher chance to become an staff on your server/site, to people who donate?
• Donating/Vip status? Yes but with very little admin controls.

Originally Posted by KyleSmith
View Post
- Question #1:
How many years have you been playing SA-MP?
• Around two years.
- Question #2: If you was a SA-MP developer, what would the first thing you would develop?
• Sounds silly but I would fix sync and add more sounds.
- Question #3: If you're own a high-popularity server (400+ players), would you sell ranks just for money?
• Admin? No.
- Question #4: If you're a experienced scripter, would you sell your scripts just for money, or what?
• Yes, thats if I have time to develop both.
- Question #5: If you was out of money to renew a 24/7 hosted server, what will you do?
• Ask for some donations, if that didn't work I would borrow some money from mother.
- Question #6: Would you give out ranks, or higher chance to become an staff on your server/site, to people who donate?
• Donating/Vip status? Yes but with very little admin controls.
I like your answers. Their reasonable, and way too realistic.

- Question #1:
How many years have you been playing SA-MP?
• Answer
Around 1 year - Question #2: If you was a SA-MP developer, what would the first thing you would develop?
• Answer
I honestly have no idea. - Question #3: If you're own a high-popularity server (400+ players), would you sell ranks just for money?
• Answer
Nope. - Question #4: If you're a experienced scripter, would you sell your scripts just for money, or what?
• Answer
If i had the time, but i wouldn't be near good enough to script for money atm anyways. - Question #5: If you was out of money to renew a 24/7 hosted server, what will you do?
• Answer
If the server was successful i'm sure you would have some people who would be willing to donate to help get it payed. If they server was rather empty i would keep developing the script untill i got enough money and then hopefully the updated script would attract more players. - Question #6: Would you give out ranks, or higher chance to become an staff on your server/site, to people who donate?
• Answer
Donater rank, but wouldn't give anything out like houses/vehicles/admin or be more likely to get an admin position or what not.

- Question #1:
How many years have you been playing SA-MP?
• 4 Years (I think)
- Question #2: If you was a SA-MP developer, what would the first thing you would develop?
• Downloadable Mods and maybe some form of /connect function.
- Question #3: If you're own a high-popularity server (400+ players), would you sell ranks just for money?
• No, the only thing I would have on any server is a donation system. Giving players an unfair advantage due to their wealth or desire to waste money is silly.
- Question #4: If you're a experienced scripter, would you sell your scripts just for money, or what?
• More than likely not. If was to ever start scripting it would be for the fun of it and not because I want to do it as a job and earn money.
- Question #5: If you was out of money to renew a 24/7 hosted server, what will you do?
• Depends. There are a few ways around it. Tell your community honestly what the problem is (9/10 someone would donate), scramble up the money some how or just announce a maintenance day or two.
- Question #6: Would you give out ranks, or higher chance to become an staff on your server/site, to people who donate?
• No, staff need to have the ability to do a good job and not buy their way in.

- Question #1:
How many years have you been playing SA-MP?
• Nearly five.
- Question #2: If you was a SA-MP developer, what would the first thing you would develop?
• No clue, SA-MP is fine as it is.
- Question #3: If you're own a high-popularity server (400+ players), would you sell ranks just for money?
• Probably not, I'd give them an ingame reward though.
- Question #4: If you're a experienced scripter, would you sell your scripts just for money, or what?
• It's taken me a year so far to create an unique script and it's still not finished, so it'd be an extremely slow way of making money! So the answer is yesno.
- Question #5: If you was out of money to renew a 24/7 hosted server, what will you do?
• I'm not that poor.
- Question #6: Would you give out ranks, or higher chance to become an staff on your server/site, to people who donate?
• A donator status, that's all.

#1 - About 4 years.
#2 - Adding all available functions into SA:MP, and maybe changing the NPC system.
#3 - Depends on the biddings, if higher then like $ 500 i would do it, i think..
#4 - Also here, depends on what script it is, if it's something simple i would do it for free,
if it takes weeks maybe months to script i would do it for free, on request i would do it for money.
#5 - Go to some good friends to ask for free sponsored hosting.
#6 - I won't give ranks like admin rcon ftp ssh etc. only special VIP status.

- Question #1:
How many years have you been playing SA-MP?
4 years (have an old account, with 2 posts though)

- Question #2:
If you was a SA-MP developer, what would the first thing you would develop?
Inplement all the useful plugins into the release (audio, streamer, npc plugin)

- Question #3:
If you're own a high-popularity server (400+ players), would you sell ranks just for money?
Well, yes, the server won't run by itself

- Question #4:
If you're a experienced scripter, would you sell your scripts just for money, or what?
Well, not just for money, but would/maybe will sell something which I consider took to much time and effort to be released for free

- Question #5:
If you was out of money to renew a 24/7 hosted server, what will you do?
Just grab the script and get some money

- Question #6:
Would you give out ranks, or higher chance to become staff on your server/site, to people who donate?
Ranks yes, mod/admin team no

- Question #1:
How many years have you been playing SA-MP?

• Since 0.2.2

- Question #2:
If you was a SA-MP developer, what would the first thing you would develop?

• SetWaterLevel

- Question #3:
If you're own a high-popularity server (400+ players), would you sell ranks just for money?

• Probably. But no mod/admin privileges

- Question #4:
If you're a experienced scripter, would you sell your scripts just for money, or what?

• Yes. Prices at about 1 eurocent/line. 10k lines script for €100.

- Question #5:
If you was out of money to renew a 24/7 hosted server, what will you do?

• Let is expire, unless some cash comes in from dedicated players

- Question #6:
Would you give out ranks, or higher chance to become an staff on your server/site, to people who donate?

• Ranks: Yes; Staff: No

Question #1:
How many years have you been playing SA-MP?
• I think around 4 now. I didn't sign up at the forums at once though.

- Question #2:
If you was a SA-MP developer, what would the first thing you would develop?
• Nothing, you can pretty much do everything already.

- Question #3:
If you're own a high-popularity server (400+ players), would you sell ranks just for money?
• First off, I don't like owning a server. Second, I'm not commercial, I script and do (other) things for fun. So, no.

- Question #4:
If you're a experienced scripter, would you sell your scripts just for money, or what?
• Money ruins quality, so no.

- Question #5:
If you was out of money to renew a 24/7 hosted server, what will you do?
• Let it die. What? If people don't donate, it means you're not making donating attractive.

- Question #6:
Would you give out ranks, or higher chance to become an staff on your server/site, to people who donate?
• Only as donator status.

Question #1:
How many years have you been playing SA-MP?
• Since 2007, Signed up at forums in 2008.

- Question #2:
If you was a SA-MP developer, what would the first thing you would develop?
• Nothing, you can pretty much do everything already.

- Question #3:
If you're own a high-popularity server (400+ players), would you sell ranks just for money?
• No.

- Question #4:
If you're a experienced scripter, would you sell your scripts just for money, or what?
• No, since SA-MP is a free mod.

- Question #5:
If you was out of money to renew a 24/7 hosted server, what will you do?
• Leave it alone.

- Question #6:
Would you give out ranks, or higher chance to become an staff on your server/site, to people who donate?
• No

Amazing work out there, all of your answers are reasonable, soon if this achieves at least 7 pages, a new survey will be created.

Thanks everyone for your time, really appreciated.

- Question #1:
How many years have you been playing SA-MP?
- Question #2: If you was a SA-MP developer, what would the first thing you would develop?
Fix lag/sync
- Question #3: If you're own a high-popularity server (400+ players), would you sell ranks just for money?
- Question #4: If you're a experienced scripter, would you sell your scripts just for money, or what?
No, just offering service (scripting)
- Question #5: If you was out of money to renew a 24/7 hosted server, what will you do?
Then i ask money or getting money
- Question #6: Would you give out ranks, or higher chance to become an staff on your server/site, to people who donate?
No, only Donator rank

Question #1:
How many years have you been playing SA-MP?

• Almost 5 years lol!

- Question #2:
If you was a SA-MP developer, what would the first thing you would develop?

• Honestly i would probably focus on a few bugs that plagued me as a scripter.
Once that was taken care of, i would probably put a bit of work into the DM side
of sa-mp. I've always had some cool DM ideas that would be fun to see implemented.

- Question #3:
If you're own a high-popularity server (400+ players), would you sell ranks just for money?

• No. First off because i have no idea what you mean by "ranks". If you mean would i accept
donations/give people small rewards for that (ie private chat), then yes. Players should have
the option of helping out their server, a dedicated server+hosted listing isnt free, nor is it cheap.
I do not believe in pocketing donations though, they would all go into making the server a better place.

- Question #4:
If you're a experienced scripter, would you sell your scripts just for money, or what?

• Yes, im am actually planning on selling scripts. All the money is going towards college though.
Classes, books, and all the other expenses add up quick, especially if you already have bills to pay.
There's nothing wrong with selling something you worked hard on, time is money after all. If i was rich
i would release everything for free :\.

- Question #5:
If you was out of money to renew a 24/7 hosted server, what will you do?

• Well honestly if i had no money, i would have to shut down the server until i
get extra money myself, or until the players donate. Running a server isnt cheap
so there's no problem with players helping support the server.

- Question #6:
Would you give out ranks, or higher chance to become an staff on your server/site, to people who donate?

• This question again? I would give them a donator status, nothing more. Players should donate to support
the server, not because they get goodies. Though there isnt really anything wrong with giving players a little
"thank you" as well, but promising a higher chance of becoming staff is ludicrous.

- Question #1:
How many years have you been playing SA-MP?
• For 3 and a half to 4 years.
- Question #2:
If you was a SA-MP developer, what would the first thing you would develop?
• Something with custom mapicons or skills like muscles, stamina, bike skills etc.
- Question #3:
If you're own a high-popularity server (400+ players), would you sell ranks just for money?
• No.
- Question #4:
If you're a experienced scripter, would you sell your scripts just for money, or what?
• Yes, why not? It's what software programmers and other people do.
- Question #5:
If you was out of money to renew a 24/7 hosted server, what will you do?
• Ask for donations, borrow money.
- Question #6:
Would you give out ranks, or higher chance to become an staff on your server/site, to people who donate?
• I would give something like a VIP Rank, but they wouldn't have a higher chance to become staff.

- Question #1:
How many years have you been playing SA-MP?
• Almost four years.
- Question #2:
If you were a SA-MP developer, what would the first thing you would develop?
• The first thing I would do is making it an open source project.
- Question #3:
If you owned a popular server (400+ players), would you sell ranks just for money?
• No, I would not.
- Question #4:
If you were an experienced scripter, would you sell your scripts just for money, or what?
• Yes, but only if there are no flaws in the script.
- Question #5:
If you were out of money to renew a 24/7 hosted server, what would you do?
• I would ask for donations.
- Question #6:
Would you give out ranks, or higher chance to become an staff on your server/site, to people who donate?
• I would simply not. There's some people who can't donate and I don't think it's fair to give more stuff to those who DECIDED to help the server in some way.

hint :


- Question #1:
How many years have you been playing SA-MP?[INDENT]• Answer[/INDENT]
- Question #2:
If you was a SA-MP developer, what would the first thing you would develop?[INDENT]• Answer[/INDENT]
- Question #3:
If you're own a high-popularity server (400+ players), would you sell ranks just for money?[INDENT]• Answer[/INDENT]
- Question #4:
If you're a experienced scripter, would you sell your scripts just for money, or what?[INDENT]• Answer[/INDENT]
- Question #5:
If you was out of money to renew a 24/7 hosted server, what will you do?[INDENT]• Answer[/INDENT]
- Question #6:
Would you give out ranks, or higher chance to become an staff on your server/site, to people who donate?[INDENT]• Answer[/INDENT]

- Question #1:
How many years have you been playing SA-MP?
• 2,5
- Question #2: If you was a SA-MP developer, what would the first thing you would develop?
• a better sync.
- Question #3: If you're own a high-popularity server (400+ players), would you sell ranks just for money?
• NO! ranks have to be aerned or give to people you really trust, VIP is a other thing, that can be bought but they have other options
- Question #4: If you're a experienced scripter, would you sell your scripts just for money, or what?
• i would, but im not that experienced
- Question #5: If you was out of money to renew a 24/7 hosted server, what will you do?
• if the server has a big commune i would ask them, if it hasnt i would let it die and release the gm
- Question #6: Would you give out ranks, or higher chance to become an staff on your server/site, to people who donate?
• they put money in you, so they believe (mostly...) in you, so they have better chances i think

Originally Posted by legodude
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hint :


- Question #1:
How many years have you been playing SA-MP?[INDENT]• Answer[/INDENT]
- Question #2:
If you was a SA-MP developer, what would the first thing you would develop?[INDENT]• Answer[/INDENT]
- Question #3:
If you're own a high-popularity server (400+ players), would you sell ranks just for money?[INDENT]• Answer[/INDENT]
- Question #4:
If you're a experienced scripter, would you sell your scripts just for money, or what?[INDENT]• Answer[/INDENT]
- Question #5:
If you was out of money to renew a 24/7 hosted server, what will you do?[INDENT]• Answer[/INDENT]
- Question #6:
Would you give out ranks, or higher chance to become an staff on your server/site, to people who donate?[INDENT]• Answer[/INDENT]

- Question #1:
How many years have you been playing SA-MP?
• 2,5
- Question #2: If you was a SA-MP developer, what would the first thing you would develop?
• a better sync.
- Question #3: If you're own a high-popularity server (400+ players), would you sell ranks just for money?
• NO! ranks have to be aerned or give to people you really trust, VIP is a other thing, that can be bought but they have other options
- Question #4: If you're a experienced scripter, would you sell your scripts just for money, or what?
• i would, but im not that experienced
- Question #5: If you was out of money to renew a 24/7 hosted server, what will you do?
• if the server has a big commune i would ask them, if it hasnt i would let it die and release the gm
- Question #6: Would you give out ranks, or higher chance to become an staff on your server/site, to people who donate?
• they put money in you, so they believe (mostly...) in you, so they have better chances i think
Smart guy! I was trying to know whats the BBCode tag that does that. Edited it, thanks.

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