18.03.2011, 07:01
Последний раз редактировалось Roomeo; 19.03.2011 в 13:25.
I've Maded This Gamemod To Improve My Scripting Skills.I Was Making Some More Teleports And Commands But Then i Thought I Should Release It.(Yes Updates Will Come).
Login/Register: Yes This Gamemode Got Register And Login System. I've MAded My Own Login/Register System But I Downloaded A Admin System and it have It's Own Login/Register System So I Used It.(Thanks To Creator Of LAdmin :P)
Admin System: This Gamemode Got LAdmin System Which Have Alot of Commands.
Level 1
getinfo, weaps, vr, repair, ltune, lhy, lnos, lp, asay, ping, lslowmo, ltc, morning, adminarea, reports, richlist, miniguns, saveplacae, gotoplace, saveskin, useskin, dontuseskin.
Level 2
giveweapon, setcolour, lockcar, unlockcar, burn, spawn, disarm, lcar, lbike, lheli, lboat, lplane, hightlight, announce, announce2, screen, jetpack, flip, goto, vgoto, lgoto, fu, warn, slap, jailed, frozen, mute, unmute, muted, laston, lspec, lspecoff, lspecvehicle, clearchat, lmenu, ltele, cm, ltmenu, write.
Level 3
sethealth, setarmour, setcash, setscore, setskin, setwanted, setname, setweather, settime, setworld, setinterior, force, eject, bankrupt, sbankrupt, ubound, lweaps, lammo, countdown, duel, car, carhealth, carcolour, setping, setgravity, destroycar, teleplayer, vget, givecar, gethere, get, kick, explode, jail, unjail, freeze, unfreeze, akill,aka, disablechat, clearallchat, caps, move, moveplayer, healall, armourall, setallskin, setallwanted, setallweather, setalltime, setallworld, setallscore, setallcash, giveallcash, giveallweapon, lweather, ltime, lweapons.
Level 4
crash, enable, disable, god, godcar, die, ban, rban, settemplevel, uconfig, botcheck, lockserver, unlockserver, forbidname, forbidword, invis, uninvis, killinvis, fakedeath, spawnall, muteall, unmuteall, getall, killall, freezeall, unfreezeall, kickall, slapalll, explodeall, disarmall, ejectall.
Level 5
god, sgod, setlevel, pickup, object, fakechat, spam
info, aka, pm, asay, ann, uconfig, chat
How To Be Admin
1. Connect to serverregister then disconnect
2. Open your newly saved file, where it says level=0 change the 0 to 5
3. Connect to the server again and you r now the highest level admin
Some Screen Shots
Air Jump

New rcon commands to use whilst off the server. Type into rcon window
"info" to view server stats.
"asay" sends a message to admins only
"pm" sends a personal message to a user
For More InFormation http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.ph...ghlight=LAdmin (Thanks To LAdmin Creator Again)
This Gamemode Have Many Telepots
(More Teleports Comming In New Version)
Commands:This Gamemode Got A Few Commands
*Commands:Shows All The Commands
*Help:Shows The List Of Help
*Teles:Shows The List Of Teleports
*Kill:Kill's The Player
*Rules:Shows The Server Rules
*Armour: Set's The Player Armour To 100.0(You Need $4000 to Buy Armour)
*Medkit: Set's The Player Health To 100.0(You Need $300 To Buy Medkit)
Not By Me Credits To Creator): List of All The Animations.
*Night:Set's The Player Time To Night.
*Day: Set's The Player Time to DAy.
*Stats:Shows The Player Stats.
*Sends PM To Player.
*Score System
*PM System
*Anti Spawn Kill 6 Seconds.
*Admin System(Credit's To Creator)
*Score,Deaths,Kills,Time,Money Saving System.(I Was Making My Own But LAdmin Already Got IT
*Alot Of Animations.
*When Player Death Sends Message To All.
*When Player Join Sends Message To ALL.
*When player Leave Send's Message To All.
*Also Report System.
*Alot Of Vehicles.
*When Player Join's Show's Texdraw To Player On Screen.
*Help Bot System.
And Many More Feautures.
None Bugs Founded ATM. If You Find Any Feel Free To REport.
Got Any Suggestions Feel Free To Comment.
*Lethal For LAdmin
*(ForGot Name) For Animations.
*My Friend For Helping Me in Mapping (SFForest and SFForest 2 PM MeYour Name So i'll Add IT)
*And To Owner's Of ZCMD, DINI
*Credits To All Peoples For Reading Comenting And Downloading....
(If I'm Missing Someone Comment<<-.->>
http://pastebin.com/eEV6KqQU (Mirror By Markx)
Yes I Accept Mirrors
I've Maded This Gamemod To Improve My Scripting Skills.I Was Making Some More Teleports And Commands But Then i Thought I Should Release It.(Yes Updates Will Come).
Login/Register: Yes This Gamemode Got Register And Login System. I've MAded My Own Login/Register System But I Downloaded A Admin System and it have It's Own Login/Register System So I Used It.(Thanks To Creator Of LAdmin :P)
Admin System: This Gamemode Got LAdmin System Which Have Alot of Commands.
Level 1
getinfo, weaps, vr, repair, ltune, lhy, lnos, lp, asay, ping, lslowmo, ltc, morning, adminarea, reports, richlist, miniguns, saveplacae, gotoplace, saveskin, useskin, dontuseskin.
Level 2
giveweapon, setcolour, lockcar, unlockcar, burn, spawn, disarm, lcar, lbike, lheli, lboat, lplane, hightlight, announce, announce2, screen, jetpack, flip, goto, vgoto, lgoto, fu, warn, slap, jailed, frozen, mute, unmute, muted, laston, lspec, lspecoff, lspecvehicle, clearchat, lmenu, ltele, cm, ltmenu, write.
Level 3
sethealth, setarmour, setcash, setscore, setskin, setwanted, setname, setweather, settime, setworld, setinterior, force, eject, bankrupt, sbankrupt, ubound, lweaps, lammo, countdown, duel, car, carhealth, carcolour, setping, setgravity, destroycar, teleplayer, vget, givecar, gethere, get, kick, explode, jail, unjail, freeze, unfreeze, akill,aka, disablechat, clearallchat, caps, move, moveplayer, healall, armourall, setallskin, setallwanted, setallweather, setalltime, setallworld, setallscore, setallcash, giveallcash, giveallweapon, lweather, ltime, lweapons.
Level 4
crash, enable, disable, god, godcar, die, ban, rban, settemplevel, uconfig, botcheck, lockserver, unlockserver, forbidname, forbidword, invis, uninvis, killinvis, fakedeath, spawnall, muteall, unmuteall, getall, killall, freezeall, unfreezeall, kickall, slapalll, explodeall, disarmall, ejectall.
Level 5
god, sgod, setlevel, pickup, object, fakechat, spam
info, aka, pm, asay, ann, uconfig, chat
How To Be Admin
1. Connect to serverregister then disconnect
2. Open your newly saved file, where it says level=0 change the 0 to 5
3. Connect to the server again and you r now the highest level admin
Some Screen Shots
Air Jump

New rcon commands to use whilst off the server. Type into rcon window
"info" to view server stats.
"asay" sends a message to admins only
"pm" sends a personal message to a user
For More InFormation http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.ph...ghlight=LAdmin (Thanks To LAdmin Creator Again)
This Gamemode Have Many Telepots
(More Teleports Comming In New Version)
Commands:This Gamemode Got A Few Commands
*Commands:Shows All The Commands
*Help:Shows The List Of Help
*Teles:Shows The List Of Teleports
*Kill:Kill's The Player
*Rules:Shows The Server Rules
*Armour: Set's The Player Armour To 100.0(You Need $4000 to Buy Armour)
*Medkit: Set's The Player Health To 100.0(You Need $300 To Buy Medkit)

*Night:Set's The Player Time To Night.
*Day: Set's The Player Time to DAy.
*Stats:Shows The Player Stats.
*Sends PM To Player.
*Score System
*PM System
*Anti Spawn Kill 6 Seconds.
*Admin System(Credit's To Creator)
*Score,Deaths,Kills,Time,Money Saving System.(I Was Making My Own But LAdmin Already Got IT

*Alot Of Animations.
*When Player Death Sends Message To All.
*When Player Join Sends Message To ALL.
*When player Leave Send's Message To All.
*Also Report System.
*Alot Of Vehicles.
*When Player Join's Show's Texdraw To Player On Screen.
*Help Bot System.
And Many More Feautures.
None Bugs Founded ATM. If You Find Any Feel Free To REport.
Got Any Suggestions Feel Free To Comment.
*Lethal For LAdmin
*(ForGot Name) For Animations.
*My Friend For Helping Me in Mapping (SFForest and SFForest 2 PM MeYour Name So i'll Add IT)
*And To Owner's Of ZCMD, DINI
*Credits To All Peoples For Reading Comenting And Downloading....
(If I'm Missing Someone Comment<<-.->>
http://pastebin.com/eEV6KqQU (Mirror By Markx)
Yes I Accept Mirrors