Retrieve dialog listitem name

Is it possible and if is then how ?

It is, but not native.
Create a global string for a specific dialog and put the listitem text in it when showing the dialog.
In OnPlayerDialogResponse use a separatorfunction, something to get a single line (element) of the string by its index and you got it. There might be such a function somewhere here in the forum, else it shouldnt be hard to make one yourself.

Well when you get a response, it gives you the ID of the listitem. If you used an array to build the dialog, use it as an index. If you used static text, make a switch statement based on the id (since its static text, you have to make this part static as well).

If you need me to go more indepth, PM me.

Solved it by creating:
pawn Code:
When fetching data from MySQL(afterwards putted to dialog):
pawn Code:
CharName[playerid][i] = Field;
So that i is equal to listitem.
And for data display(it is called under dialog):
pawn Code:

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