Need a Hand with Cellphone System

Hello SA-MP Forums, i have a problem and i want it solved if possible !

So here's the thing..i'm using a Godfather Script and i want to make the cellphone system somehow a bit advanced.

Recently now i made a Command called /vipchangenumber and it shows up a dialog which tells you to chose what Phone Number you want to Have for FREE.

The PROBLEM: If i get number 1337 and someone already has it we both can't use /call or /sms.

I want to make a system that tells you if 1337 number is ALREADY taken by someone then you can't set it for your self.

Is that possible ? If yes how ?

Much Appreciated & Thanks,


pawn Код:
for (new i=0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; ++i)
     if(yoursave[i][number] == strval(inputtext)
          SendClientMessage(..."Anyone have this number !!");
          return 1;
Try this =D

Or make anything to save

Alright, i'll try it and tell you. Thanks in advance

Originally Posted by Ricop522
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pawn Код:
for (new i=0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; ++i)
     if(yoursave[i][number] == strval(inputtext)
          SendClientMessage(..."Anyone have this number !!");
          return 1;
Try this =D

Or make anything to save
Sorry i tried it and it didn't work. Here is the OnDialogResponce Code:

Bump ! I need some help with this ! If it's not possible to-do then it's okay

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