Weapon damage!!


im using the OnPlayerShootPlayer include with this code in my gamemode:

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerShootPlayer(shooter,target,Float:damage)
    new Float:H[2];
    GetPlayerHealth(target, H[0]);
    if(GetPlayerWeapon(shooter) == 34)//this is a sniper
        if(H[1] > 0) return SetPlayerArmour(target,0);
        SetPlayerHealth(target, H[0]-100);
    return 1;
I want that u die instantly if hit by a sniper, no matter how much life or armor u got.
This works just perfectly as long as i shoot a player from a low distance.
As soon as a shoot a player from a longer distance it does not work anymore.
Could someone pls help me? PLs tell me what could be the problem.

regards, BlackWolf120.

Maybe try to make it simple like this:

if(GetPlayerWeapon(shooter) == 34)
SetPlayerHealth(target, 0);
SetPlayerArmour(target, 0);
return 1;

thx for ur answer.
This would really work?

The distance for OnPlayerShootPlayer is measured in the include, you need to increase that distance, I'm not sure how to do this as i have no idea what that include looks like.

mhh, would be great if someone could tell me how to increase the distance
heres the inlcude on pastebin: http://pastebin.com/tDxSPhqA
would be very happy about an answer

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