12.03.2011, 19:05
Последний раз редактировалось Gertin; 14.03.2011 в 19:15.
.: About that :.
It is spawn text, what come, when you spawn and that stay about 5 seconds . Its with textdraw and its easy to add in your gamemode . There are random messages too, what you can edit .
.: Commands :.
/Rules --> Here you can watch rules .
/ShowRules --> There you can someone the rules (For Rcon) .
/ShowRulesToAll --> There you can show rules to all (For Rcon) .
/RandomMessage --> There you can turn off and on random messages (For Rcon)
/ShowMessage --> There you can show all random messages(For Rcon) .
.: Screenshots :.
Its is spawn picture :
And that is random picture :
PS : Click on picture, if you want see bigger !
.: Bugs :.
Dont know bugs yet !
.: Download :.
V 1.0
PWN : Pastebin
PWN and AMX : SolidFiles
V 1.1
PWN : Pastebin
PWN and AMX : SolidFiles
V 1.2
PWN : Pastebin
PWN and AMX : SolidFiles
.: What is new in V1.1 :.
I have maked some dialogs and changes cmds.
/Rules --> goto /RulesForMe
I have added new random message, what say, like we have /Rules and /RulesHelp .
/Rules show you dialog, where you can use things.
/RulesHelp show you all cmds, what you need to use for that fs .
.: What is new in V1.2 :.
I maked that spawn text myself, there is picture :
I think, now you all like that
PS: Click on picture !
.: Install :.
If you want to complite it, you need that :
#include <zcmd> #include <colors> #include <sscanf2>
You need to copy all things to the folders, what there are . When you have copyed, you need to add in server.cfg :
filterscripts Rules
plugins sscanf
plugins sscanf.so
.: How you can use more :.
Ofcorse you can edit all rCon admin to your own admin system, but you can make like that, When player is level 1, then he see rules, but when he is level 3, he dont see rules anymore . Its easy, just make like that :
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel] < 2)
.: Credits :.
Maked by Gertin --> Iron Smith
Helper Script --> Elvis Kaiv
Thanks you all and if you need help, then ask there or send me message . If you see any bugs, tell that here .