12.03.2011, 09:19
Последний раз редактировалось ANTH1; 23.03.2011 в 11:50.
Counter Strike: Source
Dieses Script ist eine art von Counter Strike: Source (CSS).
Dies ist mein aller erstes Script. Mit voller geduldigkeit und fleissigkeit, konnte
ich das erschaffen
Es hat 3 Teams:
• Counter Terrorist
• Terrorists
• + Spectator
• gAdmin System
• Laser Pointer System
• Animation System
• AdminSpec System
• Max-IP's System
• Einloggen/Registrieren System
/buy (ID: 1-12) -> Waffen kaufen
/help -> Zeigt Informatioenn
/credits -> zeigt die Credits
/kill -> Selbst Mord
Admin Befehle:
Mirror 1: (Solidfiles)
Mirror 2: (MegaUpload)
Mirror 3: (Pastebin)
• ANTH1 -> CSS GameMode
• Goldkiller -> gAdmin System
• Skiaffo -> Laser Pointer 2.5 System
• $t3ve -> Login/Register System
• hab2ever -> Animation System
• Double-O-Seven -> JunkBuster System
• SA-MP Team -> Max-IP's System
Dieses Script ist eine art von Counter Strike: Source (CSS).
Dies ist mein aller erstes Script. Mit voller geduldigkeit und fleissigkeit, konnte
ich das erschaffen

Es hat 3 Teams:
• Counter Terrorist
• Terrorists
• + Spectator
• gAdmin System
• Laser Pointer System
• Animation System
• AdminSpec System
• Max-IP's System
• Einloggen/Registrieren System
/buy (ID: 1-12) -> Waffen kaufen
/help -> Zeigt Informatioenn
/credits -> zeigt die Credits
/kill -> Selbst Mord
Admin Befehle:
+ Complete Admin System register login changepw data admins kick fake heal sethealth slap freeze unfreeze gravity ip ban tban goto mute unmute akill get jail unjail time announce addblack addwhite addclan banip nick countdown reloadcfg reloadlanguages reloadfs reloadbans allmoney givecash setmoney setadmin armor giveweapon a sun cloud sandstorm fog rain ammu weather disarm numberplate allheal resetmoney clear say vr flip whitelist blacklist clanblacklist v skin bomb setscore carcolor noon night morning day spec fuckup force ejet xunlock gsave back gmenu setvip delvip teleport givearmor giveskin jetpack god alldisarm lockchat settings hostname mapname getalias port invisible visible gmx unban new in 1.2 : gotopos getall myinterior myvirtualworld setfightstyle + Extra Commands info id players gcommands stats clock date pos report bank withdraw me kill para lock unlock givemoney tuner loc speedo speedotype hitman bounty votekick voteban votelist + User System A complete Description can be found here + Whitelist + Blacklist + Clan Blacklist System + Range IP Bans + Clear/Admin/Vip Chatlog + Dynm. Weather Change + Dynm. Time Change + SpeedOMeter / Areaname + Votekick/Voteban System + Ping Kick System + Word Filter [u]+ Usefull Commands [u]+ Lots of Menus [u]+ IRC Support (Ingocnito's Plugin) [u]+ MYSQL Support ([RAZ]ADreNaLiNe-DJ's Plugin) |
Mirror 1: (Solidfiles)
Mirror 2: (MegaUpload)
Mirror 3: (Pastebin)
• ANTH1 -> CSS GameMode
• Goldkiller -> gAdmin System
• Skiaffo -> Laser Pointer 2.5 System
• $t3ve -> Login/Register System
• hab2ever -> Animation System
• Double-O-Seven -> JunkBuster System
• SA-MP Team -> Max-IP's System