Rotating starting screen

Right the name dosnt explain well and thats because i didnt know what to put there but ive made a system for login and it just looks bland i want to like tease the person whos logging in making them want to type there password in fast like umm this i made on paint

right in this images i set weather so i dont want that weather i want the weather to match the servers weather like if the server is sunny the thing displayed is sunny if somone drives under neath the screen you can see it but also not to be to demanding i want it to rotate like from left to right


if i could have that id have a chuff like this one and it will hopfully draw people in thanks guys

why remove its what i want


Hmm I don't really know how to let it look like a movie, but I know how to do it on a more lagg way :P
Use a timer every 500 milliseconds or something. When the camerapos+lookat = '***', set it from the old one + '***'. It's unclear but I mean this:

pawn Код:
// function
new Float:pos[3];
GetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]+0.1)
This will probably move the camera from the current height pos to a bit higher. (+0.1). I hope you'd understand it.

thanks mate thats exactly what ive been seaching the net for all night n i worked out how to get the black mate your a 10/10 scripter thanks for the fast responce

Nah I'm absolutely not a 10/10 scripter.
I can't even make plugins and I'm not really good with floats. It took me for example about almost 45 minutes for a simple real-speed speed-o-meter (kmph).
And I also make questions. Real 10/10 scripters knows EVERYTHING (like you said, 10/10, so 100%).
I'm not pro, but I'm also not a beginner. Let's just say that.

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