Y_Ini - Let's do it!

pawn Код:
WP_Hash(buf, sizeof(buf), password);
    if(!strcmp(PlayerPass, password) == buf)

Originally Posted by Riddick94
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pawn Код:
WP_Hash(buf, sizeof(buf), password);
    if(!strcmp(PlayerPass, password) == buf)
Your capacity of thinking is null! You are properly incapable of scripting, sorry but it's the raw truth!

The real code should be
pawn Код:
if(!strcmp(PlayerPass, buf))

pawn Код:
stock OnPlayerLogin(playerid, password[])
    INI_ParseFile(PlayerFile(playerid), "GetPlayerPassword");
    new PlayerPass[129], buf[150];
    GetPVarString(playerid, "pPass", PlayerPass, 129);
    WP_Hash(buf, sizeof(buf), password);
    if(strcmp(PlayerPass, buf))
        new INI:Account;
        Account = INI_Open(PlayerFile(playerid));


        PlayerInfo[playerid][pLogged] = true;
        TogglePlayerClock(playerid, true);

        SendDeathMessage(INVALID_PLAYER_ID, playerid, ICON_CONNECT);
        SendFormattedMessageToAll(COLOR_WHITE, "***  %s [{FF003F}ID{FFFFFF}: {FF003F}%d{FFFFFF}] dołączył do serwera.", PlayerName(playerid), playerid);
        SendFormattedMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIMON, "{1BE03F}* Zalogowany jako {EDBC6D}%s {FFFFFF}[{FF003F}ID{FFFFFF}: {FF003F}%d{FFFFFF}]{1BE03F}. Witamy spowrotem na Polskim eXtra Serwerze!", PlayerName(playerid), playerid);
        new string[128];
        format(string,sizeof(string),"{9EB8E8}Witamy ponownie {F2EE0C}%s{9EB8E8}. Proszę wpisać poniżej swoje hasło, aby zalogować się i grać:", PlayerName(playerid));
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_LOGOWANIE, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Logowanie", string, "Zaloguj", "Wyjdź");
        GameTextForPlayer(playerid, " ~n~ ~n~ ~n~ ~n~ ~n~ ~r~Nieprawidlowe haslo!", SECONDS(3), 3);
    return true;
When i type good password (for sure) it's sending me a GameTextForPlayer. When i type bad password it's sending GameText too. Why?

I'm learning from the ready code. After that i'll analize Y_Ini fully you got my word. It's my first time when i'm making script with other script than DINI, so.. : )

Originally Posted by Riddick94
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pawn Код:
stock OnPlayerLogin(playerid, password[])
    INI_ParseFile(PlayerFile(playerid), "GetPlayerPassword");
    new PlayerPass[129], buf[150];
    GetPVarString(playerid, "pPass", PlayerPass, 129);
    WP_Hash(buf, sizeof(buf), password);
    if(strcmp(PlayerPass, buf))
        new INI:Account;
        Account = INI_Open(PlayerFile(playerid));


        PlayerInfo[playerid][pLogged] = true;
        TogglePlayerClock(playerid, true);

        SendDeathMessage(INVALID_PLAYER_ID, playerid, ICON_CONNECT);
        SendFormattedMessageToAll(COLOR_WHITE, "***  %s [{FF003F}ID{FFFFFF}: {FF003F}%d{FFFFFF}] dołączył do serwera.", PlayerName(playerid), playerid);
        SendFormattedMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIMON, "{1BE03F}* Zalogowany jako {EDBC6D}%s {FFFFFF}[{FF003F}ID{FFFFFF}: {FF003F}%d{FFFFFF}]{1BE03F}. Witamy spowrotem na Polskim eXtra Serwerze!", PlayerName(playerid), playerid);
        new string[128];
        format(string,sizeof(string),"{9EB8E8}Witamy ponownie {F2EE0C}%s{9EB8E8}. Proszę wpisać poniżej swoje hasło, aby zalogować się i grać:", PlayerName(playerid));
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_LOGOWANIE, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Logowanie", string, "Zaloguj", "Wyjdź");
        GameTextForPlayer(playerid, " ~n~ ~n~ ~n~ ~n~ ~n~ ~r~Nieprawidlowe haslo!", SECONDS(3), 3);
    return true;
When i type good password (for sure) it's sending me a GameTextForPlayer. When i type bad password it's sending GameText too. Why?

I'm learning from the ready code. After that i'll analize Y_Ini fully you got my word. It's my first time when i'm making script with other script than DINI, so.. : )
I got my mouth shut by Y_Less, damn.
However, this happens because Password string is null.

Also, why are you doing this here? You don't write in file on login, you retrieve it.
pawn Код:
new INI:Account;
        Account = INI_Open(PlayerFile(playerid));


Shouldn't this return 0? I mean it should have a ! in front so it matches!
pawn Код:
if(!strcmp(PlayerPass, buf))
Check first if the password has been retrieved from file successfully.

About that:
pawn Код:
new INI:Account;
        Account = INI_Open(PlayerFile(playerid));

I'll read something and give it player from file. I must do it some other way?

With this '!':
pawn Код:
if(!strcmp(PlayerPass, buf))
It's nothing sending back. When i type bad password it should send me:
pawn Код:
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, " ~n~ ~n~ ~n~ ~n~ ~n~ ~r~Nieprawidlowe haslo!", SECONDS(3), 3);
But logging me in.

Originally Posted by Riddick94
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About that:
pawn Код:
new INI:Account;
        Account = INI_Open(PlayerFile(playerid));

I'll read something and give it player from file. I must do it some other way?

With this '!':
pawn Код:
if(!strcmp(PlayerPass, buf))
It's nothing sending back. When i type bad password it should send me:
pawn Код:
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, " ~n~ ~n~ ~n~ ~n~ ~n~ ~r~Nieprawidlowe haslo!", SECONDS(3), 3);
But logging me in.
Like i said, make a check to see if the password is loading and if i the correct value!
Or wait a second, Y_Less, do you remember, i saw that Y_Ini max string size is 128 and Whirlpoop needs 129? May this cause it? or i got bad informed ?

Originally Posted by Zh3r0
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Y_Less, do you remember, i saw that Y_Ini max string size is 128 and Whirlpoop needs 129? May this cause it? or i got bad informed ?
Damn! i remember when i try to use DJSON with Whirpool. I was need to change String to 295. I'll try to change here to 129 and try, yes? Need to change in include

pawn Код:
#define MAX_INI_ENTRY_TEXT          128
on 129 yes?

Originally Posted by Riddick94
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Damn! i remember when i try to use DJSON with Whirpool. I was need to change String to 295. I'll try to change here to 129 and try, yes? Need to change in include

pawn Код:
#define MAX_INI_ENTRY_TEXT          128
on 129 yes?
Yes, right there, after you done that, go and test again the login function.

Nothing. When i type bad password it's logging me in. I remember in DJSON i added same define OVER includes.

With making new define same.. nothing.

Originally Posted by Riddick94
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Nothing. When i type bad password it's logging me in. I remember in DJSON i added same define OVER includes.

With making new define same.. nothing.
You can inspire yourself from here:


Check how i made things, but, i didn't use the Whirlpool, but that can be done easy with just changing a variable to another.

I rather wait for Y_Less : )

I already have this script in new.pwn and looking in it but your code is too hard to read. I'll wait

Originally Posted by Riddick94
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I rather wait for Y_Less : )

I already have this script in new.pwn and looking in it but your code is too hard to read. I'll wait
It isn't hard, it's just made with dialogs, that's all, but the inputtext can be replaced.
Anything else you want to know until Y_Less responses ?

Can you tell me how to read something from player file and give it them? As you saw.. i was trying to Open player account and do some function (at the momment don't know what because waiting for this register/login system).

In your script is.. "LoadUser" yes? is there more ways to load something?

I don't like PVars too much. (not because i don't know how to use them but i rather not using them)

Originally Posted by Riddick94
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Can you tell me how to read something from player file and give it them? As you saw.. i was trying to Open player account and do some function (at the momment don't know what because waiting for this register/login system).

In your script is.. "LoadUser" yes? is there more ways to load something?

I don't like PVars too much. (not because i don't know how to use them but i rather not using them)
First of all, you need an Encoder to encode special characters a name could have, like, %$#^&, those characters are not supported by the files, so it need to be encoded into a special number then decoded when reading.

you must use INI_ParseFile.

pawn Код:
forward LoadPassword( playerid, name[ ], value[ ] );
new pPass[ MAX_PLAYERS ][ 256 ];
public LoadPassword( playerid, name[ ], value[ ] )
    if ( !strcmp( name, "Password" ) ) format( pPass[ playerid ], sizeof( pPass[ playerid ] ), "%s", value );

//A command to see if it was retrieved, a test command!
if ( strcmp( cmdtext, "/test" ) )
    INI_ParseFile( "file.ini", "LoadPassword", .bExtra = true, .extra = playerid );
    new Str[ 256 ];
    format( Str, 256, "PASSWORD: %s", pPass[ playerid ] );
    SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, Str );
    return 1;
Just for testing, create a new file in scriptfiles named file.ini, inside insert this:
Then try the code above

What is that..
pawn Код:
.bExtra = true, .extra = playerid );

Okey so.. when player leave server i'm making this:
pawn Код:
new INI:Account;
    Account = INI_Open(PlayerFile(playerid));
    INI_WriteInt(Account, "Money", GetPlayerMoneyEx(playerid));
    INI_WriteInt(Account, "FightStyle", GetPlayerFightingStyle(playerid));
To load INI_ParseFile? but..

Like that yes?
pawn Код:
public LoadPassword( playerid, name[ ], value[ ] )
    // Here loading the money. Yes? but.. how?

I was deleted my userfile named Riddick.ini and register again. After that new register i typed /q and type bad password in dialog - response (logged in).

Originally Posted by Riddick94
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What is that..
pawn Код:
.bExtra = true, .extra = playerid );

Okey so.. when player leave server i'm making this:
pawn Код:
new INI:Account;
    Account = INI_Open(PlayerFile(playerid));
    INI_WriteInt(Account, "Money", GetPlayerMoneyEx(playerid));
    INI_WriteInt(Account, "FightStyle", GetPlayerFightingStyle(playerid));
To load INI_ParseFile? but..

Like that yes?
pawn Код:
public LoadPassword( playerid, name[ ], value[ ] )
    // Here loading the money. Yes? but.. how?
Well you would do another callback, because you don't need to load the password again.

pawn Код:
forward LoadStats( playerid, name[ ], value[ ] );
public LoadStats( playerid, name[ ], value[ ] )
    if ( ! strcmp( name, "Money" ) )      PlayerMoney[ playerid ] = strval( value );
    if ( ! strcmp( name, "FightStyle" ) ) PlayerFightStyle[ playerid ] = strval( value );

INI_ParseFile( "file.ini", "LoadStats", .bExtra = true, .extra = playerid );
The .bExtra = true, .extra = playerid code adds an extra parameter, example, a playerid.
.bExtra if set true must be folowed by .extra which contains the player id.

BUT! in DJSON i was have buf[145]; - but.. i think it's unnecessary to fix my problem.

Originally Posted by Riddick94
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BUT! in DJSON i was have buf[145]; - but.. i think it's unnecessary to fix my problem.
Stop comparing Y_Ini with DJSON, Y_Ini it's a lot different. So did you understand what i told you ?

Originally Posted by Zh3r0
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Well you would do another callback, because you don't need to load the password again.

pawn Код:
forward LoadStats( playerid, name[ ], value[ ] );
public LoadStats( playerid, name[ ], value[ ] )
    if ( ! strcmp( name, "Money" ) )      PlayerMoney[ playerid ] = strval( value );
    if ( ! strcmp( name, "FightStyle" ) ) PlayerFightStyle[ playerid ] = strval( value );

INI_ParseFile( "file.ini", "LoadStats", .bExtra = true, .extra = playerid );
The .bExtra = true, .extra = playerid code adds an extra parameter, example, a playerid.
.bExtra if set true must be folowed by .extra which contains the player id.
pawn Код:
stock LoadStats(playerid, name[], value[])
    if(!strcmp(name, "Money"))      SetPlayerMoneyEx(playerid) = strval(value);
    if(!strcmp(name, "FightStyle")) SetPlayerFightingStyle(playerid) = strval(value);
pawn Код:
stock OnPlayerLogin(playerid, password[])
    INI_ParseFile(PlayerFile(playerid), "GetPlayerPassword");
    new PlayerPass[129], buf[129];
    GetPVarString(playerid, "pPass", PlayerPass, 129);
    WP_Hash(buf, sizeof(buf), password);
    if(!strcmp(PlayerPass, buf))
        PlayerInfo[playerid][pLogged] = true;
        TogglePlayerClock(playerid, true);
        INI_ParseFile(PlayerFile(playerid), "LoadStats", .bExtra = true, .extra = playerid);

        SendDeathMessage(INVALID_PLAYER_ID, playerid, ICON_CONNECT);
        SendFormattedMessageToAll(COLOR_WHITE, "***  %s [{FF003F}ID{FFFFFF}: {FF003F}%d{FFFFFF}] dołączył do serwera.", PlayerName(playerid), playerid);
        SendFormattedMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIMON, "{1BE03F}* Zalogowany jako {EDBC6D}%s {FFFFFF}[{FF003F}ID{FFFFFF}: {FF003F}%d{FFFFFF}]{1BE03F}. Witamy spowrotem na Polskim eXtra Serwerze!", PlayerName(playerid), playerid);
        new string[128];
        format(string,sizeof(string),"{9EB8E8}Witamy ponownie {F2EE0C}%s{9EB8E8}. Proszę wpisać poniżej swoje hasło, aby zalogować się i grać:", PlayerName(playerid));
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_LOGOWANIE, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Logowanie", string, "Zaloguj", "Wyjdź");
        GameTextForPlayer(playerid, " ~n~ ~n~ ~n~ ~n~ ~n~ ~r~Nieprawidlowe haslo!", SECONDS(3), 3);
    return true;

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