More deathmatch features in SA-MP.


Most SA-MP releases have been mainly focused on roleplay, as a developer of the longest running deathmatch server in SA-MP, a lot of times I am missing features I'd like to see. It feels rather limited on things I can do. Some features are scriptable with some magic, but it's just not as good and fast as a native function.

There are still a lot of deathmatch servers out there who would like to see new features for deathmatch, but sadly it's slowly die-ing and 80% of the servers are focused on roleplay.

I'm going to make some suggestions for deathmatch servers in this post, and see how many support I get from other deathmatchers or deathmatch server owners, if you are one or both of them, please show your support.

My suggested features are:

* Possibly improved sync for deathmatch, it's rather bad right now (maybe special DM servers, less slots > better sync?).
* The ability to turn off helicopter blades / guns in helicopters(hydra etc) killing - toggleable in ongamemodeinit
* Custom data files for servers that makes it possible to alter weapons data.
* A option to turn off c-bug, quick switch, quick reload and others - toggleable in ongamemodeinit
* If a player pauses in-game you should still be able to kill him.
* Disable GTA functions that: gives you armour when you enter a SWAT truck, health from ambulance, shotgun from police car, etc - toggleable in ongamemodeinit
* Disable firetruck (etc) water spray - toggleable in ongamemodeinit
* Infinite stamina - toggleable in ongamemodeinit
* An option to properly disable drive-by (player killing) while keeping drive-by vehicle damage-ing/killing - toggleable in ongamemodeinit
* OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, otherid, health_lost, armour_lost, reason, by_player, by_vehicle)
* The ability to detect any key, right now most keys are already used by GTA - it would be cool if players could for example press "E" to enter a building.
* Able to turn off/on individual radar parts.
* Able to make vehicles invisible on the radar - toggleable in ongamemodeinit
* Sync the knife and satchel charges.
* Able to turn off fighting for a player (pressing aim, firing wont do anything).
* GetPlayerFPS()
* SetPlayerTeamForPlayer - for advanced team based gamemodes

That is all for now, probably missing some big things here but I can't think of them right now. I didn't post in the suggestions for future SA-MP versions topic cause it would just be overlooked, and this really needs some attention.

Thanks for reading, feedback is welcome.

* Possibly improved sync for deathmatch, it's rather bad right now (maybe special DM servers, less slots > better sync?). - Somewhat better then before.
* The ability to turn off helicopter blades / guns in helicopters(hydra etc) killing - toggleable in ongamemodeinit - The new engine system turns off helicopter blade.
* Custom data files for servers that makes it possible to alter weapons data. err possible with dini?
* A option to turn off c-bug, quick switch, quick reload and others - toggleable in ongamemodeinit - not sure but I don't think it possible, but it possible to stop a player from switching weapons ever 10 seconds or so.
* If a player pauses in-game you should still be able to kill him. - Not possible in current SA-MP not sure if it even possible at all.
* Disable GTA functions that: gives you armour when you enter a SWAT truck, health from ambulance, shotgun from police car, etc - toggleable in ongamemodeinit Possible with onpalyerentervehicle.
* Disable firetruck (etc) water spray - toggleable in ongamemodeinit
* Infinite stamina - toggleable in ongamemodeinit - uze hax
* An option to properly disable drive-by (player killing) while keeping drive-by vehicle damage-ing/killing - toggleable in ongamemodeinit - Some what possible.
* OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, otherid, health_lost, armour_lost, reason, by_player, by_vehicle)
* The ability to detect any key, right now most keys are already used by GTA - it would be cool if players could for example press "E" to enter a building. - Agree.
* Able to turn off/on individual radar parts. - Do you mean the icons or?
* Sync the knife and satchel charges. The knfie is syqned??
* Able to turn off fighting for a player (pressing aim, firing wont do anything). /freeze?

Okay - Marked green already possible in current SA-MP
Red not possible in current SA-MP


The new engine system turns off helicopter blade

Never realized.


err possible with dini?

I mean able to have a server side weapon.dat (to edit weapon stats) and players connecting adapting to it.


not sure but I don't think it possible, but it possible to stop a player from switching weapons ever 10 seconds or so.

Definitely possible. Has even been done in a hacked client mod for SA-MP.


Possible with onpalyerentervehicle.

Sure, native is better though.


Do you mean the icons or?

HUD. money bar, health, weapon icon, radar etc.


The knfie is syqned??

No it desyncs players who are killed with it.



I mean with the ability to still run or walk around.

Sneaky you should talk to Slice about improved knife sync, since he pretty much synced it perfectly
He also did a few of the other features on that list

Have you tried setting the server.cfg rates for better sync?

Try something like:
onfoot_rate 20
incar_rate 20
weapon_rate 20
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 500

@Darius .. I know but you have to run that client mod Aranha don't you?

@Finn I know, but players reported lag with lower values.

Thats what sa-mp really needs. Not the crapy role-play features

I agree with all suggestions, you always want to downplay the suggestion that everyone always think that what was suggested is already possible to do, but often is not possible, SA-MP it needs to be improved on sync.

Originally Posted by Scottas
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Thats what sa-mp really needs. Not the crapy role-play features
AFAIK the RP community has a lot more experienced scripters who can make cool "RP things" out of SA-MP features. DM community just lacks imagination and needs everything pre-scripted for them. They want to toggle features on and off under OnGameModeInIt callback.

Sync is really the only problem here, SA-MP has enough features to make an epic DM gamemode.

I agree with u Sneaky!! I want more deathmatch features 2 So I hope its be

Most of features are scriptable. All i would love to see is function to detect who player hits, how much damage he did like OnPlayerDamageDone. It would give really much new advantages for scripters to script. I play on oldest, biggest deathmatch server (GTAT) by Dracoblue and it really misses function like that also people would love to see damage done feature on A/D DM servers.

I talked to kye about this long time ago, but the only answer i had is that DM isn't that popular, because most of servers are RP, i don't really think we will get these features.

Also about the "weapon.dat" edit stuff you said. I think its impossible to be only server side, client would need to download it then.

There are servers running like GTA:T which have probably the biggest database from all other sa-mp servers, including servers like LS-RP. So i think some deathmatch functions should be implemented.

Originally Posted by Finn
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AFAIK the RP community has a lot more experienced scripters who can make cool "RP things" out of SA-MP features. DM community just lacks imagination and needs everything pre-scripted for them. They want to toggle features on and off under OnGameModeInIt callback.

Sync is really the only problem here, SA-MP has enough features to make an epic DM gamemode.
That is complete bullshit. The best gamemodes were made for Deathmatch: Attack & Defend gamemodes, 90N1NE's Battlegrounds, Supreme Wargrounds by Slice (, and many more I can't think of right now. Do some research into clans & deathmatch history before you say such things.

It's a well known fact deathmatch isn't very much supported by SA-MP, I am here to ask to give DM-ers just a little more support. Boards for clans would be very much appreceated too, I know these caused some flaming in the past, but hey this is a 18+ game and that's just what clans do (rivalry is good), with a few moderators and some clear rules I think it could work out!

@MaTrIx4057 Perhaps something like ModifyWeapon(playerid, weaponid, damage, .............)

Who's saying roleplay servers wouldn't take advantage of modifying weapon damage or being able to detect hits?

Originally Posted by -Sneaky-
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That is complete bullshit. The best gamemodes were made for Deathmatch: Attack & Defend gamemodes, 90N1NE's Battlegrounds, Supreme Wargrounds by Slice (, and many more I can't think of right now. Do some research into clans & deathmatch history before you say such things.
I am not saying every DM gamemode sucks and looking at the screenshot that indeed seems to be great one.

Originally Posted by CyNiC
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SA-MP it needs to be improved on sync.
I hope it doesn't improve by much. It's great that you need some skill to kill other players, not like any other FPS games.

Originally Posted by [NoV]LaZ
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I hope it doesn't improve by much. It's great that you need some skill to kill other players, not like any other FPS games.
Lol. I wonder why soldiers die in wars even if there is no skill needed to kill acording to you.

Originally Posted by Finn
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AFAIK the RP community has a lot more experienced scripters who can make cool "RP things" out of SA-MP features. DM community just lacks imagination and needs everything pre-scripted for them. They want to toggle features on and off under OnGameModeInIt callback.

Sync is really the only problem here, SA-MP has enough features to make an epic DM gamemode.
I see that you are not interesed in dm, so you don't know how memory and speed is important for dm servers.


Most SA-MP releases have been mainly focused on roleplay

Sorry, i do not agree. MOST Sa-mp releases have been focused on DM/Freeroam/Stunt. I think 0.3c is the only version that actually included roleplay stuff.

I do agree with your suggestions though, Knife and Satchel charge sync is a big problem.

The big problem which should be top of priority is the sync.
If you read this topic you will know what I mean:

Bugs like this should be killed as soon as possible because it's killing DM faster than all those inexistent features together. Kye already posted on that topic and acknowledged the bug, so lets hope it's gone on the next versions.

I like this topic pretty much Sneaky because everything you stated about the DM stuff is right, where we DMers can express their opinion knowing theres someone on the same boat with us.

What kills DM even more is the cheating. Nowadays a big major percentage of clans don't trust each other to do Clan Wars and sometimes even on TCWs because cheating is getting bigger and bigger over the time.
New hacks are always appearing and theres always some low-minded player cheating and ruining the fun & fairplay on a match, then it leads to a flamewar, then rage quit and in the end we find out we wasted time on a useless, worthless and boring match.
That's one of the reasons why I suggested to ESL to add SA-MP and develop an anticheat for it. We got a big support from SA-MP Deathmatchers (over 200 supports) on the ESL topic and things are rolling now, awaiting for the anticheat to be complete.

I think that SA-MP Dev Team, with their skills, should develop an anticheat incorporated on SAMP client to stop the cheating for good. SAC - SA-MP Anti-Cheat was once under development and later the code got removed because it stopped being developed for some reason. I think this development should be resumed or restarted because SA-MP, and more the DM community rather than RP communities, needs an efficient anticheat monitoring each players' gameplay. This is very critical and if for some reason ESL Anticheat declines SA-MP, we are into a big trouble then because hacks are spreading faster than a broken tsunami.

About the features Sneaky suggested..
No doubt I agree with them all, specially the OnPlayerHitPlayer with all those params would really help a lot not only for Script features but also for a Pawno-based anticheat which could easily detect if someone is using a modified weapon.dat, godmode, etc.

Originally Posted by Matrix4057
I talked to kye about this long time ago, but the only answer i had is that DM isn't that popular, because most of servers are RP, i don't really think we will get these features.
Well if Kye thinks it that way, then hes making a big mistake. The Deathmatch community is tending to increase nowadays. Some say it's dieing, but it's not as it looks. SA-MP player count is increasing a lot each month and most of those new players come to DM.
Although, the joining flux could be a lot bigger if an anticheat was implemented.
We do need new functions more connected to DM, and since Kye and his team can make them, they should make them because the functions will be used on a lot of DM servers for sure.
The scripting extension should be as longer as possible on SAMP, so that scripters can have a large hand of functions and tools to make their own script.
This isn't only about RP. ESL is on "coming soon" status and we could really use some of these functions suggested here to help us monitor any events occuring during a match.

In my opinion, I don't really care about the hitboxes being the same as a FPS game. One of the reasons why I play SAMP instead of MTA is because I like SA-MP's gameplay and enviroment, it feels more friendly to me and I enjoy having to find each player's hitbox. It's more challenging.
But that doesn't mean I disagree with a sync upgrade.

Knife is really a problem due to its poor sync, and I believe it's not an easy task to solve, but it would be cool to have it synced, specially for Stealth based gamemodes, A/D etc, it could really bring a good addition to the game.

GTA:Tournament (GTAT) is for me, the best DM gamemode script ever made because it offers anything I'd ask for in a DM script. A/D gamemodes are a case apart. I'm not trying to advertise it or anything, the server isn't even mine lol, but if you try to play there and do a quick check of the features, you will really feel the Deathmatch adrenaline going through your veins. Basically it's a very competitive community where you can take part in to fight for the best place you can get, either individually or contributing to rank up a clan where you are a member of.
I assure you can't find any DM server like GTAT, and as Matrix4057 stated, it has one of the biggest databases of SA-MP a big history.
It's not about being lazy to script a DM server. A DM server can be epicly scripted like GTAT is, but it would help a lot to have native functions which would help the servers' performance instead of making it read through a bunch of lines to reach 1 objective. That creates lag if you have many work-arounds.

DM is actually popular, and if ESL starts, it will get more popular than ever and it will pass RP's popularity in a blink. Developers should not apt for developing a feature based on a side's popularity, they should just make a To-Do list for each version, like a roadmap, and develop the feature straight away either if it's popular or not.
If you get an idea going on your brain, write it down and develop it. Don't let it go because of a silly statistic called popularity.

Also just a side note for SAMP Devs:

There are many masterminds on the DeathMatch community. We aren't just lazy people shooting flies and complaining about sync who want a script done with just a few lines with toggles.
There are smart people on the DM side which want and like to work to achieve something, and some of them show very good skills on scripting and plugin making. Take Incognito and Slice as an example of good plugin makers / pawno scripters, or even DracoBlue for his successful GTA:Tournament project alive for over 5 years. You need to see both sides, not just RP.

Kind Regards,


Whats server is that or its just a "Model" ??

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