01.03.2011, 21:57
Ok well i personally like using strcmp, and i know people are gonna say why not just use a newer cmd process?
And to that i say, i learnt using strcmp and am used to the cmds, like some people.
So what i had in mind was making shortcuts for it like instead of
Change it to
(already have that)
and i would also make a function list, these are the ones i plan(if anyone thinks it a good idea)
So i will continue to work on this, as i said if anyone wants it!
Also feel free to give me recomendations
And to that i say, i learnt using strcmp and am used to the cmds, like some people.
So what i had in mind was making shortcuts for it like instead of
if(strcmp(cmd, "/me", true) == 0)
and i would also make a function list, these are the ones i plan(if anyone thinks it a good idea)
SendClientMessage-SCM SendClientMessageToAll-SCMA SendLocalMessage-SLM AddPlayerClass-APC ApplyAnimation-AN ClearAnimations-CA CreatePickup-CPU CreateVehicle-CV CreateMenu-CM DestroyMenu-DM DestroyVehicle-DV GameTextForPlayer-GTP GameTextForAll-GTA GetAnimationName-GA GetPlayerAmmo-GPA GetPlayerArmour-GAP GetPlayerDrunkLevel-GDL GetPlayerHealth-GPH GetPlayerInterior-GPI GetPlayerName-GPN GetPlayerPos-GPP GetPlayerSkin-GPS GetPlayerState-GSP GetPlayerTeam-GPT GetPlayerVehicleSeat-GVS GetVehicleModel-GVM GetVehicleHealth-GVH GivePlayerMoney-GPM GivePlayerWeapon-GPW LimitGlobalChatRadius-LCR PlayerPlaySound-PS SendDeathMessage-SDM SendPlayerMessageToAll-SPA SendPlayerMessageToPlayer-SPP SetDisabledWeapons-SDW SetGravity-G SetPlayerArmour-SA SetPlayerAmmo-SAA SetPlayerColor-SC SetPlayerDrunkLevel-SDL SetPlayerFightingStyle-SFS SetPlayerName-SN SetPlayerPos-PS SetPlayerSpecialAction-SAP SetPlayerTeam-ST SetPlayerSkin-SS SetSpawnInfo-SI SetWeather-SW SetWorldTime-SWT
Also feel free to give me recomendations