new value stop the server

hey, i got a problem after i write this one down:


for checking i sent a message before this thing and after it, and for some reason all the things that
comes after this new value doesn't happening, like its stopping them for some reason,
and i get only the first testing message (TEST1)

pawn Код:
new arrCoords[98][32];

any help...?

Do you have alot of new <something>[BIGVALUE][VALUE] ? Because you know that code will create a 32 character long string x 98. So It would be like doing new value[3136];

If you have more of those, It could be that you're running out of memory, though I doubt It but that seems to be It.
What computer specifications do you have?

And remember, coords can't and will not be stored in that value.

well, i got few of those, but i made them smaller than this one.
the funny thing is that in the other arrCoords it doesn't happend
i even tried to short the 98 to 42 for example and try again and it still not working..

Floats can't be saved in that array, try:

pawn Код:
pawnnew Float:CoordX
new Float:CoordY
new Float:CoordZ
or if you want it in an array

pawn Код:
enum aCoor

  new arrCoords[aCoor];

im not using floats, but the problem is not what you tried to help in,
after the "new arrCoords[98][32];" everything that comes after doesn't happend, like nothing responds anymore.

Can you post the bugged function/callback?

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