How to create a drowning character

Hi guys,

Does anyone know how you can create a character that's floating in the water, without creating NPC's?

I wanna create some extra class in my gamemode where you need to use a boat to rescue characters who are floating in the water.
I've searched the models (to be used with CreateObject) but didn't find anything useful.

The player would choose the "lifeguard" class (or something like that), enter "/work" to start his job and at certain positions, a character would be created in the water that represents a drowning person.
These characters don't need to move or anything, just float in the water until the player comes into range.
When the player comes into range, the character is deleted or placed onboard the boat as passenger.
Then the player would need to go back to the base to finish his mission.

Or do I have to create NPC's to do this?

Baywatch here we come lolz.


Originally Posted by Stigg
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Baywatch here we come lolz.

How is this related .. to .. huh, forget it.

The only thing I found is the big (4x times bigger than normal classes) Cesar skin, and it's not even floating. I think you can create NPC's.

Originally Posted by Stigg
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Wtf is with people saying 'peace' at the end of every posts :S

OT: You could try to search for the object of the cop you had to dispose of in the last quarry mission (Single player).

Originally Posted by Hiddos
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Wtf is with people saying 'peace' at the end of every posts :S
I use Peace... at the end of my everything, allways have.
Just something i do. Dont see why your spitting out the dummy.


Originally Posted by Stigg
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I use Peace... at the end of my everything, allways have.
Just something i do. Dont see why your spitting out the dummy.

He isn't, he's asking a valid question. How can you intend to be peaceful after that post?

Originally Posted by Calg00ne
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He isn't, he's asking a valid question. How can you intend to be peaceful after that post?
I'm a all round peacefull character, thats all.
I dont want no fuss.


Why not just make an NPC? /facepalm

I guess I won't have any other choice than using NPC's to do this.

Since it isn't possible to put an object in the passenger seat, I think I can do it with NPC's, with a blank script (npcidle.npc).

Is it possible to control NPC's via your gamemode?
Like PutPlayerInVehicle(NPCid, vehicleid, 1) and SetPlayerPos(NPCid, x, y, z)?

I've never used NPC's before, so this is new to me.

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