Suggestions For Future Sa:MP Versions.

pawn Код:
AddRadioChannel(host[], name[]); // Add server-side radio from HTTP server

Make our lifes easier and make the class selection optional. I mean something like this:
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    return 1;
That would send the player to class selection. The player wouldn't go to class selection if you didn't use that function.

Originally Posted by Miguel
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Make our lifes easier and make the class selection optional. I mean something like this:
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    return 1;
That would send the player to class selection. The player wouldn't go to class selection if you didn't use that function.
It would be really useful!

And... Don't add custom objects, if it's not objects from other parts of GTA, PLEASE!!! Also you can rise up object IDs to 50000, i think =) And add objects in SAMP.img from GTA United (VC & LC) and NYC mod (GTA IV in SA). It would be cool

-increased syncing
-when redirecting sites such as no-ip and dyndns are entered as a favorites address, samp needs a fix so that the name of the server stays rather then the ip
-synced radio stations so that everyones radio is playing the same stuff
-new user interface (needs a new look)

- A dynamic sports system perhaps?

Great suggestions!

Originally Posted by Justatemp
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- A dynamic sports system perhaps?
This is Grand Theft Auto, not FIFA or Wii Sports SA:MP wasn't made to mimic other games

New user interface І
Sync radio

Auto-Download plugins.

Would be cool to be able to set the vehicle variants.

i.e. Almost every motorbike looks different sometimes when they spawn, even though they're the same model. Same with some cars, they're sometimes convertible and sometimes hardtop. Some cars get spoiler, some vans different logo on the side, some trucks get different stuff/items on the back, etc.

Would be epic if we could set those server-wise.

Originally Posted by exora
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- EnableVehicleRadioStations ( 0 ); (true/false)

- SetVehicleRadioStation ( vehicleid, radiostationid );
- SetWeaponDamage ( weaponid, Float:damage );
- SetMaxVehicleSpeed ( modelid, speed ); // kmh / mph
I think this is coool idea



• GetPlayerAnimationIndex function is very useful but does not differentiate between walking and standing still to run, it would be interesting if it was possible to detect each of these actions differently.
• A funcion to get who the player is spectating, like as GetPlayerSpectate(playerid);
• Enable and disable display of health and / or vest in the head
• SetHealthVisibleForPlayer(playerid, otherplayer, bool:enable);
• SetArmourVisibleForPlayer(playerid, otherplayer, bool:enable);


• Giving the player the possibility of getting a gun even if it does not have bullets.
• Shoot with other guns even driving.
• Fire weapon without a killer:
• CreateWeapon(Modelid, X, Y, Z, RotX, RotY, RotZ); //returns the weapon id
• SetWeaponAimingAt(weaponid, X, Y, Z);
• FireWeapon(weaponid, bool:fire);
More control over bullets:
• I imagine it would be a big step if it were possible to do a callback to be called for each bullet fired, giving the X, Y and Z where the bullet hit, so we would have total control over the fire damage and can do many things incredible, such as Head Shot perfect without lag, throwing objects instead of bullets.


• To invoke a callback whenever a gear of the vehicle is changed, giving the current value of the gear.
• GetVehiclePos(vehicleid, &Float:X, &Float:Y, &Float:Z, &Float:RX, &Float:RY, &FLoat:RZ);
• SetVehiclePos(vehicleid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:RX, Float:RY, FLoat:RZ);


• More colors to checkpoint, as suggested here with a detail:
- Checkpoints colored the color put it, from invisible to fully black.
• That would be useful to detect if a player has reached a point(No timers, no tickcounts, no use of the OnPlayerUpdate callback):


• It would be interesting if you could see all the deaths and connections shown in chatkill, using the mouse scrool, 'shift'+ 'pageup' or pressing 'home'.
• ShowImageForPlayer(playerid, imagename[], X, Y);//From standart directory images
• ShowImageForAll(imagename[], X, Y);
Increase the sync, this is the factor that most distinguishes the SA-MP from the others multiplayer games.

i dunno if this is possible

1.But able to change object size u create in game or MTA map editor

I suggest fishs can kill players,and Guik...Idea thats would be Good

Eh, I have got some more ideas to my list:
- enable vendors (buy hotdogs in some areas for 1$) - with function on OnGameModeInIt
- sync animations in vending machines (you see only that player is putting 1$, you don't see is he drinking or not)

Make gangzones have an extra virtualworld parameter. So you can have one set of ganzone visible in one world, and another set visible in the other. Many times iv wanted to do that and have had to settle for a standard area w/o color.

Do admin going to take some of the ideas to next sa-mp version?? That would be great!!!... But this is a pretty stupid question :/

Make Sex with NPC

ActiveSex(1, npcid);
ActiveSex(enable/disable, npc id);

1 = Enabled
2 = Disabled

Originally Posted by GuikBretas
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Make Sex with NPC

ActiveSex(1, npcid);
ActiveSex(enable/disable, npc id);

1 = Enabled
2 = Disabled
No. Too many 10 years old will do it and discover for first time in their life 'sex'.
And stupid.

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