19.02.2011, 03:20
Hi guys. 
So i was wondering... How could i make a player that is in jail see the time that he has to be there.
I copied my /count comand..
I already changer the variables.
It looks like this:
Bottom of my GM
Top of my GM
So for example if i want player to sit in jail for 3 mins.. do i have to add it like this? :
That would take up 300 lines or is there a easier way of doing it?

So i was wondering... How could i make a player that is in jail see the time that he has to be there.
I copied my /count comand..
I already changer the variables.
It looks like this:
Bottom of my GM
public JailTime(){ if (JailText > 0){ GameTextForAll( JailTimeText[JailText-1], 1000, 3); JailText--; SetTimer("JailTimeText", 1000, 0); } return 1;}
//Jail forward Jail(playerid, killerid); forward JailTime(); new JailText = 5; new JailTimeText[5][5] ={ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", };
new JailTimeText[5][5] ={ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., "300" };