Whirlpool can't be loaded.

I let my server be hosted and it does work but when I try to load Whirlpool.dll then it is unable to load that file when I do it on my own computer with the same settings it does work, I will send server.cfg

471 [13:41:17]
472 [13:41:17] Server Plugins
473 [13:41:17] --------------
474 [13:41:17] Loading plugin: Whirlpool
475 [13:41:17] Failed.
476 [13:41:17] Loaded 0 plugins.

echo EasyAdmin: Server Number 793
lanmode 1
rcon_password >>You can't have it!<<
maxplayers 32
port 8793
hostname [SONA] Minigames (Under Construction)
gamemode0 grandlarc 1
filterscripts LuxAdmin base gl_actions gl_realtime
announce 1
plugins Whirlpool
query 1
weburl pc-forum.forumotion.com
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 500.0
stream_rate 1000
maxnpc 0

I checked a lot and I do have root>plugins>Whirlpool.dll
And BTW I also fail to run other plugins.

Well try to download whirlpool.so because .dll doesnt work on linuxservers i bet you host on serverffs

~Edit: You posted in wrong section it should be in scripting discussions

I use Delux-Host.com and they use Windows I think because the extentions are .exe
And I don't know where to post becase it is to confusing.

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