how to make RP tutorial

please help how to make the beginning tutorial for a RP script?

Please explain in detail :S

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wow sorry where is rules :S please i just want steps i know its timers and SetPlayerCameraPosition rar rar i just need to know the steps :S please sorry

You should first get to know the basics to be able to script a whole gamemode.

Originally Posted by Steven82
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Stop using ":S" it's annoying, :S is a smiley sign for being confused. You sounds like your retarded, rar rar? What does that even mean?
Sozzy me noz speak noz "Fuckwit"..

Originally Posted by Serbish
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You should first get to know the basics to be able to script a whole gamemode.
Dude...Lol i have my mode lmao and i have an idea of how it should be,I just want to save the hassle of trial and error when i can get the steps here from "The people who have done it before" to make the process less time consuming for me.


May i get my answer?

Or shall we continue with these childish "Fabricated Flame"?

On-topic: Make a timer like this under OnGameModeInit:

pawn Код:
SetTimer("TutorialCheck", 1000, true);
Then the callback..

pawn Код:
public TutorialCheck()
    new i = 0;
    while (i < MAX_PLAYERS)
        if(TutTime[i] >= 1 || !TutFinished[i])
            if (TutTime[i]==2)
                // blablabla
            else if (TutTime[i]==7)
                // blablabla
            else if (TutTime[i]==12)
                // blablabla
    return 1;
And the variables on top.

pawn Код:
new TutFinished[MAX_PLAYERS];
new TutTime[MAX_PLAYERS];
I recommend you save the 'TutFinished' variable to a file.

And you're done!

ONTOPIC: I Thank You for your time, Be assured it was much appreciated.

EDIT: typo

Originally Posted by YungGee
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Sozzy me noz speak noz "Fuckwit"..

Dude...Lol i have my mode lmao and i have an idea of how it should be,I just want to save the hassle of trial and error when i can get the steps here from "The people who have done it before" to make the process less time consuming for me.


May i get my answer?

Or shall we continue with these childish "Fabricated Flame"?
As it seems I got your question wrong, if I had understood it right, I'd help you.
Sorry for the missunderstanding.

I know exactly what your talking about. Quizes are just a bunch of simple STRCMP texts (for answers) and variables. When the player register, set his quiz variable to 0 (Quiz[playerid] = 0 and question to # 1.(Question[playerid] = 1 If he types the right answer for the question, set the question variable to two and so on. When they did the final question (Example: if(Question[playerid] == 10)) Then do Quiz[playerid]. = 1; and Question = 0; That was just brief though. Like you said, if you can create your own gamemode and stuff, you should be able to finish it.

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