01.07.2008, 04:01
[center]Well, show me a list of all games you finished,on PS 2 and PS 3 xbox, etc..
here is my list
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And more, but i don't remember them anymore, there are a lot of them.
here is my list
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- [left]
[#]Fable - The Last Chapter (PC)
[#]Tomb Raider - The Last Revelations (PC)
[#]GTA Vice City (PC) (PS2)
[#]GTA San Andreas (PC)
[#]GTA Vice City Stories (PS2)
[#]Global Operations (PC)
[#]Naruto Shippuden 2 (PS2)
[#]Naruto Uzimaki Crhonicles (PS2)
[#]Blood Rain 2
And more, but i don't remember them anymore, there are a lot of them.