A really tough question [SORRY]

How will i make a command that is like /createhouse. When the player types the command he have to give the interior id and after giving that a checkpoint will be created and when a player enters that checkpoint he will he transferred to that interior. Please don't tell to ****** it or search in wiki. I have tried that

[troll]****** or search in wiki.[/troll]

It would involve saving it via dini, djson or sql.

Yes I know but I have ended in huge disgrace

do i have to take pVar for that?

You can use PVars only for saving player's information, for example - saving the player's owned-house.
You will have to learn atleast one saving method (Dini/MYSQL/any other saving system) so you can create and save your houses to a file/database.

yes i know it but it's not happening!! Is there any example script for that?

If you would know it than it would work

And there are enough finished scripts which can be used to study (as example: GarHouse)

What you want is called a "dynamic house system"
There are serveral perfectly working script here in the forum, just search for them.

My GM has a built-in housing system.
Look in the file "PPC_PlayerCommands.inc" (download link is in my sig) for the command "/createhouse" and go from there.

But it's quite complex, as the housing system is integrated into several different files, callbacks and other functions.

This is not a tough question, this is a kid asking for people to make something for him.

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