13.02.2011, 17:59
i want to show a board with all the players that are online and their kills and deaths they've made in the last round on round end.
But its bugy! Also if threre are 2 players online it only shows only 1 textdraw. (but the player counter works i also use it in other functions.)
Also it seems that the kills in a round and deaths in a round are not counted right.
Would be so happy about some help!!
i want to show a board with all the players that are online and their kills and deaths they've made in the last round on round end.
But its bugy! Also if threre are 2 players online it only shows only 1 textdraw. (but the player counter works i also use it in other functions.)
Also it seems that the kills in a round and deaths in a round are not counted right.
Would be so happy about some help!!
pawn Код:
new killedinround[MAX_PLAYERS];
new diedinround[MAX_PLAYERS];
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
//counting deaths and kill in a round
return 1;
//resetting deaths and kill after a new round starts
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
killedinround[i] = 0;
diedinround[i] = 0;
//This is the function comparing the players round kills
stock TopOnEndShowTextDraw()
new TotalScoresEnd[21];//21 because it shows 20 players statistic on end
new TotalPlayersEnd[21];
new PlayerScore[2];
new PlayerID[2];
for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
PlayerScore[0] = killedinround[i]; //kills per round
PlayerID[0] = i;
for(new place; place < sizeof(TotalScoresEnd); place++)
if(PlayerScore[0] > TotalScoresEnd[place])
strins(TotalScoresEnd, PlayerScore, place);
strins(TotalPlayersEnd, PlayerID, place);
place = sizeof(TotalScoresEnd);
new string[1024];
switch(PlayerOnline)//this checks how many players are online
case 1://it shows only 1 textdraw if only 1 player is online
GetPlayerName(TotalPlayersEnd[0], string, sizeof(string));
format(string, sizeof(string), "~r~1. ~w~%s \t~r~%d \t~b~%d", string,TotalScoresEnd[0],diedinround[TotalPlayersEnd[0]]);
TextDrawSetString(Text:RoundEndStats1, string);
case 2:
GetPlayerName(TotalPlayersEnd[0], string, sizeof(string));
format(string, sizeof(string), "~r~1. ~w~%s \t~r~%d \t~b~%d", string,TotalScoresEnd[0],diedinround[TotalPlayersEnd[0]]);
TextDrawSetString(Text:RoundEndStats1, string);
GetPlayerName(TotalPlayersEnd[1], string, sizeof(string));
format(string, sizeof(string), "~r~2. ~w~%s \t~r~%d \t~b~%d", string,TotalScoresEnd[1],diedinround[TotalPlayersEnd[1]]);
TextDrawSetString(Text:RoundEndStats1, string);
//and so on....