Explosion Type

Hey, I need an explosion type for when I explode some one (admin explode) that you can hear the explosion sound, but it doesn't effect nearby players from the blast, only kills the person being exploded and makes the noise, I don't want anyone to be effected by it. I also don't want the the explosion to create a fire.

I tried the link below but I don't know which explosion it could be, I know explosion type 8 makes the explosion sound, has no fire around it when exploding, but DOES effect nearby players.


If someone could tell me how to make an explosion that the explosion CAN be heard, NO FIRE is seen, and ONLY EFFECTS THE PERSON GETTING /EXPLODED that would be great, otherwise, tell me if the explosion I am looking for is on that wiki link above.

Explosion Type 9 - You could use that and set it a little underground.
Explosion Type 13.

Hmm thanks, but 2 problems...

Explosion 9 - How do I set the fire underground?

Explosion 13 - It says the explosion can't be heard, is it possible to make it be heard?

Right now my code is
pawn Код:
new Float:x;
new Float:y;
new Float:z;

Use explosion 9 and set the z level to z-5.

Ah, thanks so much bro, it worked, no fire, no damage to other players and i can hear the explosion.

Thanks !

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