DeletePVar question - is it bad?

I would like to know how much memory the function DeletePVar takes each time its beeing called.
I'm working with a lot of temporal player vars while using dialogs. I forgot to delete the player vars each time a player exists his dialog, so I made a global function whitch deletes all the posible pvars that I have ever used in dialogs. I call this function each time a player needs some dialog-pvars to get deleted, but I don't want to check each pvar.

Will that make my server lag or what? I would like to know what would be the results of using my function whitch deletes about 100 player vars each time.

Thank you.

Well ofcourse I'm gonna fix it, but its a lot of hard work to do. There are a lot of dialogs and right after I realized that I have forgotten to delete the pvars right after I'm done building the code, I have put the new function. Would you mind answering my question since I need to know what are the results of using this instead of deleting each pvar (for now) ?

Well I don't feel like I need to create alot of temporal variables for just one or two functions, therefore I will edit my code and will delete each created variable. I thought somebody might know what would be the results, but screw it, I will just fix up my code.

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