LS Elevator

For some reason I can't get the LS Elevator filterscript working on the original VX script. Not even the objects show up.

Please help!

I managed to transfer it in the script. The stuff show, but when I want to call the elevator, the doors are just not opening, and eventually a fucking huge fence shows up. Please help me guys.

Bump... Please I need this fixed

Open up server.cfg and see if ls_elevator is at the filterscripts line.

pawn Код:
filterscripts base gl_actions gl_property gl_realtime gl_mapicon ls_elevator
Also check if the ls_elevator.pwn & ls_elevator.amx are in the filterscripts folder.

I'm not stupid . I own a server with a decent playerbase of almost 30. I did that already, and it obviosly doesn't work. The objects don't even show up. I managed to convert it from the filterscript into my script, but when I call the elevator on the first floor, the gates don't open up, and if I call it from another floor it won't start moving towards it. I checked all the functions and i can't seem to find where the problem is.

Eventually after I call it, like 5, 6 minutes later a fucking fence spawns like it's in the elevator. I think I found the object ID, although I can't find anything in the script containing this object. It's really weird. Maybe someone who managed to get it working can help me out. I will appreciate it a lot.

Thanks in advance!

Oh come on, it's really urgent. I know you guys can help me figure it out..

Well do you have any dialogs in your script, if you have then make sure they don't have the same ID as the dialog for the elevator.

Note: Don't double post, you can bump only after 24 hours.

I don't have the same dialog ID, as I already crosschecked that as well. Plus the dialog shows fine, but the elevator and it's doors are not moving, and this weird fence shows up too.

I know I'm not suppose to bump, but It's really important and I know there are plenty of good people who are willing to help me out.


I managed to get the elevator up and running. The only problem I have is that when the elevator reaches certain floor, it's doors won't open. The main elevator one, and the one which stays at each floor.

Obviously the function in the filterscript is not working for my script. Please help me fix this last problem. I'll be really thankful.

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