26.06.2008, 21:11

As you guys know that i made a lil pwn-game to pwn people... But now i'm not interested in it anymore & won't develop it anymore.. So i released it!!
Description :
Pwngame is a simple game where you sign up and are given a link to "pwn" people. All they have to do is go to that link and you get 1 point for pwning them. Its like those things where you click on a link and get eaten by a monster. Pwngame version 1.0
by [M]z00H
To use this script, you may not remove the small Credit!
To install this, you must have:
PHP 4.x
Mysql 3.x or higher
Server should be Unix/Linux,FreeBSD with Apache
PHP triad probably will not work for this script
by [M]z00H
To use this script, you may not remove the small Credit!
To install this, you must have:
PHP 4.x
Mysql 3.x or higher
Server should be Unix/Linux,FreeBSD with Apache
PHP triad probably will not work for this script
How To Install ?
Go into phpMyAdmin or your mysql databsae administrator and paste the create table queries into the sql command box to create the game tables
Edit the connect.php file inputting your mysql username, password, and database name where suggested. Please do not ask me what these are as I do not know what your database details are...
Edit the $yourmail and $path variables to your email and the full path to your game including the http:// on the path
Upload everything!
Open up admin/register.php and register an admin account, then delete admin/register.php and admin/reguser.php
Admin login is at admin/login.php
Normal user login is at login.php
Set a Cron to run at cron/cron.php every day. This does not effect the game but effectively deletes some old records. If you do not have crons on your server, just open the file in your browser every once in a while. It is highly recommended that you password protect the /cron folder with .htaccess ot using your control panel
Have fun!
Mirrors Accepted!
Edit the connect.php file inputting your mysql username, password, and database name where suggested. Please do not ask me what these are as I do not know what your database details are...
Edit the $yourmail and $path variables to your email and the full path to your game including the http:// on the path
Upload everything!
Open up admin/register.php and register an admin account, then delete admin/register.php and admin/reguser.php
Admin login is at admin/login.php
Normal user login is at login.php
Set a Cron to run at cron/cron.php every day. This does not effect the game but effectively deletes some old records. If you do not have crons on your server, just open the file in your browser every once in a while. It is highly recommended that you password protect the /cron folder with .htaccess ot using your control panel
Have fun!