SAS Filterscript problem!

I made my own admin system, SAS, and it works fine.. Then I downloaded JunkBuster and replaced those .inc files with my old ones.. And now my admin system doesn't work anymore! I already tried to replace all the old .inc files back, but it still doesn't work.. When I run my samp-server.exe, it says "[20:28:52] Loading filter script 'SAS.amx'...". When I remove all other FS and only load SAS it says, "Loaded 1 filterscript" so, it is loaded, but then in-game SAS doesn't work..
If you wonder, "what the hell is SAS" Well, it's my own admin system, "Spirrit's Administration System"

Please help me!

maybe you should show the script so ppls now what to go on they have no clue if you just write like that.
we cant se if you got anny errors in ur text u wrote.

Never mind guys, it's already fixed
The problem was, I added "WriteLog" and "sBig" etc. that caused the problem.. So I deleted those in my admin script, now it works awesome! When SAS is fully developed, I'll publish it, so everyone can use SAS!

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