Remove Unknown Command from ZCMD?

Everytime I use a command that doesn't exist it says "SERVER: Unknown Command" but this might get kinda spammy.
I know how to turn it off for the old strcmp commands but if it's possible, how do I turn this off for ZCMD?

You must return 1 at the end of it. It's the same for any statements or conditions you use inside OnPlayerCommandText. Whether it's dcmd, zcmd, or whatevercmd.

ZCMD has one implanted function called OnPlayerCommandPerformed.

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerCommandPerformed(playerid, cmdtext[], success)
    return 1;//If player writes command wrong this will still return it as a true.

Oh, wasn't sure whether those things would work. but now I feel stupid for not trying.
Thanks man!

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