Skin Help

pawn Код:
if(dialogid == 777)
       new SkinBuy[134], name[55], SkinSave[135];
       GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name));
       format(SkinBuy, sizeof(SkinBuy),"SELECT * FROM `skins` WHERE `Skinid` = '%d' AND `Owner` = 'None'",inputtext);
            SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Invalid Skin ID, Or Skin is already bought!");
         new skinline[3];
         sscanf(skinline,"p|dds", skinline[0], skinline[1], skinline[2]);
         playerinfo[playerid][Skin] = skinline[0];
         SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN,"[ ! ]Congratulations!You can wear your skin via /wearskin");
         format(SkinBuy, sizeof(SkinBuy),"UPDATE `skins` SET `Owner` = '%s' WHERE `Skinid` = '%d'",name,inputtext);
         format(SkinSave, sizeof(SkinSave),"UPDATE `playerinfo` SET `Skin` = '%d' WHERE `user` = '%s'",playerinfo[playerid][Skin],name);
         return 1;
    return 1;
It doesnt seem to work, i got a cmd:
pawn Код:
if (strcmp("/skin", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
        format(string, sizeof(string),"Your Skin ID is: %d", playerinfo[playerid][Skin]);
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN,"---------------------------------------------");
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, string);
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN,"----------------------------------------------");
        return 1;
Whenever i press it even after buying a skin i still get 0 wtfz0r O:

Well what goes wrong? Does it show Invalid Skin ID or does it show Congratulations or what? You need to do provide some debug information if you need more help.

I did spot one problem immediately in your format function:

pawn Код:
format(SkinBuy, sizeof(SkinBuy),"SELECT * FROM `skins` WHERE `Skinid` = '%d' AND `Owner` = 'None'",inputtext);
"inputtext" is a string, not an integer, therefore you need to convert it first using a function like strval before formatting it as an integer, like so:

pawn Код:
format(SkinBuy, sizeof(SkinBuy),"SELECT * FROM `skins` WHERE `Skinid` = '%d' AND `Owner` = 'None'",strval(inputtext));
You made this same error in your second format function in that snippet of code.

Additionally the size of your "name" array is madness, the maximum size for a player name in SA-MP is 24, so that's 31 wasted cells!

Hm im guessing that might be the prob, prob:everytime after gmx or reconnrct my account isnt stored , i have to reregister allowing me to buy any skin again, this player account problem wasnt here before he skin sys was added :\ ty for ur samples ill edit when i get on my pc thanks alot though dude

When i type the cmd /wearskin which just gets the playerinfo[playerid][Skin] it still sets my skin to 0 why?

I already made the code, and thats a fairly simple command.I need help because it shows the skin 0 and my skin is always 0 even if i type 299 or 55 or anything :S

this is because you did not give any text response. Try using inputtext

The system seems to be working now, Thank you for the advice JachoTien somthing :P Sorry your name is quite complicated lmao

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