Internet Disconnects When I Play SA-MP

I made this post for my friend

Every time he plays SA-MP
He gets disconnected from the internet
We have NO idea what is happening.
It is only on GTA:SA though

-Other info-
We are using Ventrilo to talk to each other.
And we play my SA-MP server.
But after a while he gets disconnected from my server
then he gets DCed from Ventrilo
He confirmed it was only on GTA:SA
If anyone can give me an answer i would greatly appreciate it =)

As part of troubleshooting, there could be a number of things to try. But since for some reason this issue is causing your internet to disconnect, I'll start with the router.

1. Does your friend have a spare router he could try? If not, what brand and model is he using?

this happends to me, if i play minecraft ^^


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