24.01.2011, 19:38
hi all . i have a problem this is the code
the problems is some times (if the the playerid doesn't touche the targerid withe hits ) the targetid die but it's not because of the playerid ! it's just caus the tagetid losse all he's HP caus of the distance
can some one help
if((newkeys & KEY_FIRE) && (team[playerid] == 6)) { new Float:hp, Float:a; new target = GetClosestPlayer(playerid); if(GetDistanceBetweenPlayers(playerid,target) <= 1) { GetPlayerArmour(target,a); if(a > 0) { SetPlayerArmour(target, a-20); GetPlayerHealth(playerid,hp); SetPlayerHealth(playerid, hp+5); } else { GetPlayerHealth(target,hp); SetPlayerHealth(target, hp-7); GetPlayerHealth(playerid,hp); if(hp < 200) SetPlayerHealth(playerid, hp+10); GetPlayerHealth(target,hp); } }
can some one help