20.01.2011, 04:00
hello guys i have make and register and login command now i make in player file somethinf like
passwrd =
Level =
Cash =
Banned =
Score =
Now when i ban someone in server in the Name file its not make the banned = 1
passwrd =
Level =
Cash =
Banned =
Score =
Now when i ban someone in server in the Name file its not make the banned = 1
dcmd_ban(playerid,params[]) { new Reason[256], pID, i; if(Player[playerid][admin] < 4){ return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"You Dont Have Right To Use This Command"); } if(sscanf(params,"us",pID,Reason)){ return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"|| Usage: /ban [playerid] [reason] ||"); } if(!IsPlayerConnected(pID)) { return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"Nobody is connected with this ID!"); } new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], string[128], string1[128], string2[128], string3[128], string4[128], givePlayer; Player[givePlayer][Locked] = 1; GetPlayerName(pID,name,sizeof(name)); format(string,sizeof(string),"**(ADMIN BAN)** %s(%d) %s",name,pID,Reason); format(string1,sizeof(string1),"You Have Been BANNED By Admin For Reason: %s",Reason); format(string2,sizeof(string2),"**If You Think Your Ban UNFAIR**"); format(string3,sizeof(string3),"**Go To Our Website **"); format(string4,sizeof(string4),"**And Make Unban Apply With Right Format**"); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_RED,string); SendClientMessage(i,COLOR_RED,string1); SendClientMessage(i,COLOR_RED,string2); SendClientMessage(i,COLOR_RED,string3); SendClientMessage(i,COLOR_RED,string4); SaveToFile("BanLog", string); Ban(pID); return 1; }