about server making

i can not even comile the pwn file
when i try to compile it said ' Unable to execute comilper... '
my OS is Win 7
any problem
I have download it again and use Win XP to try also see this message

Is that the only thing that it says? If not then post it here, also if thats the only problem, i mean if theres no errors just try to redownload the server folder, if that doesnt works then the problem would be the .pwn file

Originally Posted by tttlllcccccc
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i can not even comile the pwn file
when i try to compile it said ' Unable to execute comilper... '
my OS is Win 7
any problem
I have download it again and use Win XP to try also see this message
Post it in the scripting section but make sure you have all the pwn files needed

its mostly that your pawno editor cant find the pawncc.exe file. goto pawno's menu "Build" -> "Run Options". in the middle textbox is the "pawncc.exe", iam sure its there. so i assume you didnt extract the server pack properly?
i dont use w7, so i cant give you any advice like "run in admin mode" or similar >-<

I have reinstall

anyone can help me?

Run in Admin mode.

Originally Posted by Porsche911
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Run in Admin mode.
I have try already

Install '.NET Framework' .

but i have installed

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