[GameMode] GTO 0.6.0

Ok , I believe I didn't gave enough information of the power of this script , and how unique it is , all thanks to Iain Gilbert's idea , and a few others that continued it to 0.6.0

GTO : It is an unique game play , It has all the feature of an RPG combined with Freeroam and Stunt , and even Deathmatch. It has unique Races , Deathmatch maps , 3 kind of Administrator groups , (Moderator , Rcon Admin , Admin) each with it's own commands. "In the world of GTO , there are no specific goals. There are no winners and no losers. A player that kills the other player , get's a part of he's cash and experience.The more experience the higher the players level , and gets better weapons , more health , new spawns , etc. In addition for more experience or cash you can participate in competitions , join races , win records , join deathmatches , or hold different grounds. You can deposit your money in the bank , to dont loose all of it , or to dont loose at all. You can find banks in almost each fastfood shops."

Since it's last release which was 0.5.7 , the code has been cleaned up , because Iain Gilbert's idea was awesome , but he made a messy code. Also there are a few new features , such as buy houses for you , or for your gang , buy businesses and earn additional money from it.

The code right now is under changes , since some stuff are no longer supported in 0.3c , and added a few things like : Neonshop , License Plate changing , a few stunting maps , and more will come , in time.

Full features :
  • RPG like features.
  • Buy Houses for you or for your gang.
  • Gang System (logged by administrators)
  • Full Logging System (mostly every action of a player is logged , no cheating is possible)
  • Racing System (with custom maps , made by Iain Gilbert) - Hope this feature will be changed soon with a more dynamic and more better one
  • Deathmatch System (custom maps , spawns , rewards , etc.)
  • Freeroam (Go around the city , kill players , get their cash , go stunt in different areas)
  • Business system (enter almost any business and buy it to earn cash)
  • Anti Cheat System (player can't spawn cars , guns , and stuff that aren't allowed)
  • Administrating System (can also create races with the current Racing System)
Change Log:
  • Gamemode now uses Incognito's Streamer - please download it and put it in your plugin folder and put "plugins streamer" in the server.cfg
  • Fixed language strings.
  • Translated more stuff.
  • Added "BaySide" stunting map. - I forgot her name , but thanks for creating it.
  • Added Neonshop - use /neonshop , and /neon in the garage.
  • Added Vehicle Plate System - use /vplate <name> to get your own plate.
Known Bugs:
  • No Auto Login possible for now
  • No Auto load skins is possible for now
  • -report bugs below-
More to come stay tunned!

Credits : Iiain Gilbert for the script and idea , [EBT]Quatro for neonshop and me to implement it in GTO , j1nx for continuing this awesome script , Dejavu for continuing this awesome script , asturel for continuing this awesome script , FP for continuing this awesome script.

License : This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 To view a copy of this license, visit http:creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/au/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 543 Howard Street, 5th Floor, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA. Feel free to use, modify, copy, distribute, etc. Give credit where due. No using for commercial purposes.


This was one the first big scripts around, besides Pen1 during 0.1b. Great script.

As I said , I wanna continue this gamemode , fix further bugs and make it once again , one of the top GameModes , this gamemode is unique , and perhaps the only one I liked xD

Dude there is error update this to english language plz

IT IS in English! With a small exception of a few weapons and small text that is in include pawno folder. I forgot to change those , BUT THOSE are really irrelevant and it SHOULD not give any errors! Also try to remove "EnableTirePopping" from gamemode , other then that It compiled just fine on my pc and it worked just fine except the above bugs.

I don't have enough time to test it but the description looks good


wtf is with the name?

Originally Posted by sherlock
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wtf is with the name?
it stands for Grand Theft Online...

Originally Posted by Master_Gangster
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it stands for Grand Theft Online...

lol jks, nice gamemode!

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