Unban command help please

I was trying to script it in myself im useing LuxAdmin (edited obviusly) heres the story i was trying to script in a /unban command and i tested it on my highst level admin then it banned him then i tryed to unban him and i ended up banning one of my players (Sorry @MONSTER@) so how would I script in a /unban command that wont ban another player?

post the attempt, you need to get their IP, you probably saved this in a file then using sendrconcommand to unbanip and then reloadbans

yeah i did but how do i make a command to unban them from in the game?

Well make a command like /unban (name)

Then inside the command check if the username exists, load the user's IP if it does, store it in a variable & do this:

format(string,sizeof(string),"unbanip %s",IPSTRINGHERE);

Remember to make the IP variable a string, not an integer (number :/).

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