Looking for scripter. Please read. $$$$

Ok im attemting to make a roleplaying server. I want to use the godfather game mode. I know its been used alot but i like it and i already have 15 people comitted to becomeing regular players. I am making the map using MTA i seen in a previous thrend that i can convert the script for my custom MTA map to SAMP. If i do that i need a scripter. I can send the file with my custom map and the godfather game mode. I need to have jobs. Police,FBI,Coast Guard, Army, Tow truck driver. I also want a president system that i can be president and i can chosse a vice president. I will need some gates set to only open for sertain groups like cops only, ext. I want a register system so that players can register there first time and log in every time. I want a bank system.
I can pay you via paypal.Name your price. Or you can be part owner of game We will have a e-contract through the internet. We will admin the server no changes unless both agree i will pay for a server to host it. Reply to this or PM me or something and let me know.

I suggest that you don't use any godfather mode.
They tend to be overused and buggy as hell.
EVERYTHING you need for an RP gamemode can be found in the tutorials and in the SAMP wiki.

I Can Script For you,(are you paying by chance?)

How much do you want?

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