[FilterScript] Armour Update

What this script do:


Okay! let's do this =) :

In the top of your code paste this:

pawn Код:
#define ARMOUR_INDEX 4 // this is the index of armour

next step: we pasting code to on playerupdate:

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
    new Float:armour[MAX_PLAYERS];
    GetPlayerArmour(playerid, armour[playerid]);
    if( armour[playerid] > 0.0 )
        SetPlayerAttachedObject( playerid, ARMOUR_INDEX, 1242, 1, 0.019999, 0.039999, 0.000000, 2.459999, 89.699989, -3.100000, 1.710000, 2.119999, 1.719999);//áðîíÿ
    else if( armour[playerid] == 0.0 && IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed(i, ARMOUR_INDEX))
        RemovePlayerAttachedObject(playerid, ARMOUR_INDEX); // armour
    return 1;
So this is it, thanks for watching, reading, and using!
and sorry for my bad english!

great good job

Very nice, good job.

well here is the fix code

pawn Код:
public ArmourUpdate()
    new Float:armour;//this is our armour value
    for(new i=0; i<=GetMaxPlayers(); i++)//i'm put this code, cause i had bug before, when armour can have only player with id 0!
        GetPlayerArmour(i, armour);//checking hommuch armour player has...
        if( armour > 0.0 )//...if player has more then 0.0 of armour...
            SetPlayerAttachedObject( i, ARMOUR_INDEX, 373, 1, 0.286006, -0.038657, -0.158132, 67.128456, 21.916156, 33.972290, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000 ); // ...armour getting on the players body...
        else if( armour == 0.0 )//...if player do not have armour...
            RemovePlayerAttachedObject(i, ARMOUR_INDEX); // ...armour getting off the players body...
        return 1;//the value what function returning
    return 0;

great job!!!!!fuck, this great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!good job!


great job!!!!!fuck, this great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!good job!



well here is the fix code

okay, thanks, i see my mistake

oh that's nice

You forgot to forward it, newbies will get confused,
 forward ArmourUpdate();

I found an armour object, but it was too small :S (the size of the pickup).
Is this an custom object, or an object that was already there and I never found?

Tested it, Only ID 0 gets the armour.

Use this works with whole server.
forward ArmourUpdate();
public ArmourUpdate()
    new Float:armour;//this is our armour value
    for(new i=i;i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++)//
        GetPlayerArmour(i, armour);//checking hommuch armour player has...
        if( armour > 0.0 )//...if player has more then 0.0 of armour...
            SetPlayerAttachedObject( i, ARMOUR_INDEX, 373, 1, 0.286006, -0.034657, -0.158132, 67.128456, 21.916156, 33.972290, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000 ); // ...armour getting on the players body...
        else if( armour == 0.0 )//...if player do not have armour...
            RemovePlayerAttachedObject(i, ARMOUR_INDEX); // ...armour getting off the players body...
        return 1;//the value what function returning
    return 0;
Bit slow to load up, but its reliable.

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