07.01.2011, 01:37
Last edited by California; 18/02/2011 at 02:55 AM.
by California
What is this?
This is a dynamic house system which features NO manual house setup, at all. All you need to do is just /buyhouse at a good spot then set your house up. You can store cash, rent a house, choose an interior of choice, upgrade it whenever you want and have the opportunity to own a house car that no one else can enter.
• Dynamic: Create a house anywhere!
• Saving: Everything saves at disconnect; you lose nothing.
• Storing: You can store cash into your safe using /storecash and /takecash.
• Global Entrance: Everyone can enter! If you want to prevent unwanted guests, use /lockhouse.
• NEW: Rent: Players can use /renthouse to rent a house, and /unrenthouse to unrent.
• NEW: Interiors: You can now have Sweet's Interior, Fancy Crib, Willowfield Safehouse, Madd Dogg's and Big Smoke's Crack Palace.
• NEW: Upgrade: You can upgrade your house any time using /houseupgrade
• NEW: Approval: Your house must be approved by an Admin. They can use /accepthouse and /denyhouse.
• NEW: Cars: Players can upgrade and have a vehicle all to themselves (no one else can enter as driver, and tanks/RC cars are prohibited).
• NEW: Map Icons: Now showing at a local house.
• And more...
Why Cali-Houses?
The script is more stable and readable. There is no bad grammar and all you need to do is just buy the house and place it somewhere, not /createhouse all over the place, because it's just a waste of time.
• Added Rent System
• Added Interiors
• Added House Approval
• Fixed a major glitch: Safe Exploit (using minus sign could get you unauthorized money)
• Removed weapon storing because it was heavily bugged.
• House cars, since everybody wouldn't shut up about it, so I added them.
• Fixed a little message bug (thanks to keller012).
• Added map icons.
1: Download the package.
2: Extract the folder to anywhere on your hard disk.
3: Replace all folders in the Cali-Houses folder into your server folder.
4: Compile cali-houses.pwn.
5: Have fun!
Coming Soon
If you would like to suggest a feature, please reply here, as I'll be checking replies every day. You could also send me a private message and I'll get back at you.
If you would like to report a bug, please reply here and I'll fix it as soon as I'm available.
by California
What is this?
This is a dynamic house system which features NO manual house setup, at all. All you need to do is just /buyhouse at a good spot then set your house up. You can store cash, rent a house, choose an interior of choice, upgrade it whenever you want and have the opportunity to own a house car that no one else can enter.
• Dynamic: Create a house anywhere!
• Saving: Everything saves at disconnect; you lose nothing.
• Storing: You can store cash into your safe using /storecash and /takecash.
• Global Entrance: Everyone can enter! If you want to prevent unwanted guests, use /lockhouse.
• NEW: Rent: Players can use /renthouse to rent a house, and /unrenthouse to unrent.
• NEW: Interiors: You can now have Sweet's Interior, Fancy Crib, Willowfield Safehouse, Madd Dogg's and Big Smoke's Crack Palace.
• NEW: Upgrade: You can upgrade your house any time using /houseupgrade
• NEW: Approval: Your house must be approved by an Admin. They can use /accepthouse and /denyhouse.
• NEW: Cars: Players can upgrade and have a vehicle all to themselves (no one else can enter as driver, and tanks/RC cars are prohibited).
• NEW: Map Icons: Now showing at a local house.
• And more...
Why Cali-Houses?
The script is more stable and readable. There is no bad grammar and all you need to do is just buy the house and place it somewhere, not /createhouse all over the place, because it's just a waste of time.
• Added Rent System
• Added Interiors
• Added House Approval
• Fixed a major glitch: Safe Exploit (using minus sign could get you unauthorized money)
• Removed weapon storing because it was heavily bugged.
• House cars, since everybody wouldn't shut up about it, so I added them.
• Fixed a little message bug (thanks to keller012).
• Added map icons.
1: Download the package.
2: Extract the folder to anywhere on your hard disk.
3: Replace all folders in the Cali-Houses folder into your server folder.
4: Compile cali-houses.pwn.
5: Have fun!
Coming Soon
If you would like to suggest a feature, please reply here, as I'll be checking replies every day. You could also send me a private message and I'll get back at you.
If you would like to report a bug, please reply here and I'll fix it as soon as I'm available.