0.3e Suggestions

You should add:

SetNameTagDrawDistanceForPlayer(Float:distance, playerid); (( That player would see the other player's names at that distance ))

SetNameTagDrawDistanceForViewPlayer(Float:distance , playerid); (( That player name would be sawn by others at that distance ))

pawn Код:
Useful for zombie or stealth server.

This suggestion, I believe, the anger has come a long way to play SA-MP, hope you like:
pawn Код:
native CreateBox(plyerid, boxid, size, x, y); //size: SMALL, BIG, MEDIUM
//Create a box in the X and Y coordinates and size with the text defined for that player.

native DestroyBox(plyerid, boxid);
//Destroy a box according to the id of the player and id of box.

native SelectBox(plyerid, boxid);
//Select a box and call the callback "OnPlayerClickBox" (the box is selected (red border) and only returns to normal with "UnselectBox").
//PS: The writing will be made only in the selected box.

native UnselectBox(plyerid, boxid);
//Unselect the box with the id of the box (nothing happens, the box is only without the red border).
//PS: The writing will be made only in the selected box.

native GetTextBox(plyerid, boxid, len);
//For what is written in the box under the boxid and playerid.

native SetTextBox(plyerid, boxid, "text");
//Written in a box set according to the boxid and playerid.

native ResetTextBox(plyerid, boxid);
//Resetting the writing of a box according to boxid and playerid.

forward OnPlayerClickBox(plyerid, boxid);
//Used when such player (playerid) clicks a box, which can be identified with the "boxid."

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
    if(strcmp(cmd, "/say", true) == 0)
        CreateBox(plyerid, 1338, BIG, 173, 43);
        SetTextBox(plyerid, 1338, "Type something here.");
        CreateButton(plyerid, 1337, SMALL, 132, 57, "Confirm");
        return 1;
    return 1;

public OnPlayerClickBox(plyerid, boxid)
    if(boxid == 1338)
        SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You select the BOX 1338. Type something and click the button 'Confirm' to say.");
        return 1;
    return 1;

public OnPlayerClickButton(plyerid, buttonid)
    if(buttonid == 1337)
        new string[128]
        new textbox[64];
        GetTextBox(plyerid, 1338, textbox);
        UnselectButton(plyerid, 1337);
        DestroyButton(plyerid, 1337);
        //UnselectBox(plyerid, 1338);
        DestroyBox(plyerid, 1338);
        format(string, sizeof(string), "Player say %s.", textbox);
        SendClientMessageToAll(playerid, -1, string);
        return 1;
    return 1;


native CreateButton(plyerid, buttonid, size, x, y, "text"); //size: SMALL, BIG, MEDIUM
//Create a button in the X and Y coordinates and size with the text defined for that player.

native DestroyButton(plyerid, buttonid);
//Destroy a button according to the id of the player and id of button.

native SelectButton(plyerid, buttonid);
//Select a button and call the callback "OnPlayerClickButton" (the button is selected (red border) and only returns to normal with "DesclickButton").

native UnselectButton(plyerid, buttonid);
//Unselect the button with the id of the button (nothing happens, the button is only without the red border).

forward OnPlayerClickButton(plyerid, buttonid);
//Used when such player (playerid) clicks a button, which can be identified with the "buttonid."

public OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger)
    CreateButton(plyerid, 1337, BIG, 132, 57, "Click to see the Vehicle ID");
    return 1;

public OnPlayerClickButton(plyerid, buttonid)
    if(buttonid == 1337)
        DesclickButton(plyerid, 1337);
        DestroyButton(plyerid, 1337);
        SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> Use format to see CAR ID... <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~");
        return 1;
    return 1;
Images demonstration (example):

PS: I used ****** Translator because I have been on the board PT/BR.
PSІ: The coordinates are in line with the tip of the bottom left of the button/box, as above.


Two things I would love to see, especially for RPG servers, or servers that run large scripts:

1. Client-side scripting. As shown with some other GTA multiplayer mods, this can be a very nice tool to create scripts that normally couldn't be used due to the resources it would take if done server-side...especially if only one or a few users need to have the script active at the time it is being used. This could greatly increase server performance for servers that would wish to use it.

2. The ability to attach things like vehicle add-ons to other vehicles. For example, the GTA III multiplayer mod, Liberty Unleashed, allows you to attach the vehicle add-ons for the Fire Engine's water cannon, the Rhino tank's "explosion" cannon, the Predator's mounted guns, etc.

The add-ons only add the actual animation and action executed by the vehicles themselves, and does not have the actual objects. Either way, this can still be useful for several applications, and seeing how GTA:SA has even more of these add-ons available on vehicles than GTA III does, the possibilities can go even farther.

Originally Posted by Riddick94
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Let us control Head movements by server-side! It's needed for real! This shit is annoying for a lot of people, come on!

pawn Код:
native DisableHeadMove(playerid, bool:set);
native DisableHeadMovements(bool:set);
There is build-in command for that:
pawn Код:
/headmove //Toggle player's head movements.

Learn to read. He said he wants to control head movements server-sided.

pawn Код:
Native CreateWater(X, Y, Z, Height, range);

Originally Posted by FufLa
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Learn to read. He said he wants to control head movements server-sided.
People should decide on their own if they want to have this option on or off, and it's bad suggestion to have it controled server sided. That's why I posted this command.

Originally Posted by justsomeguy
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pawn Код:
Native CreateWater(X, Y, Z, Height, range);
Support, but you don't need height parameter when you already have Z.

Also it would be nice if they add function
pawn Код:
Hud(playerid, bool:toogle)

Originally Posted by Nenad
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People should decide on their own if they want to have this option on or off, and it's bad suggestion to have it controled server sided.
Why is it a bad suggestion? Maybe we should make SetPlayerInterior controlled client-side also? It makes sense to make it server-side, because it is often needed, for example if you set a player's camera in front of him facing him, he looks to one side.

Why not give the server the option to allow the player to control it for servers that want it? The server still overrides the setting then, but if they wish to allow a player to have control, the server owner could set it in the config to allow user-control client-side.

This shit is annoying because with some animations it's looks really ugly and it's irritates me and i think other people too. If player will wan't to move head again he will just use a command /headmove. But a very big population of people doesn't know about this command and will crying on the server.

+1 for AttatchVehiceToVehicle

Originally Posted by HeLiOn_PrImE
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+1 for AttachVehicleToVehicle
Agreed. Would be very nice for things like the Packer mass-towing vehicles, etc.

Originally Posted by HeLiOn_PrImE
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+1 for AttatchVehiceToVehicle
+2. I am in need of that.

Originally Posted by T0pAz
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+2. I am in need of that.
+3. I will find great ideas with this function. xD

pawn Код:
native AttachVehicleToVehicle( vehicleid, tovehicleid, Float:fOffsetX, Float:fOffsetY, Float:fOffsetZ, Float:fRotX, Float:fRotY, Float:fRotZ );
native DetachVehicle( vehicleid ); // returns -1 if is not attached to a vehicle
pawn Код:
native GetVehicleAttachedVehicle( vehicleid ); // returns -1 if no vehicle is attached to it, attached vehicle's ID if is attached to it

How about

Default if not specified

This would be useful for roleplay servers. Make cars custom moddable

An actor-system. (like CNPC)

pawn Code:
public OnPlayerAttackVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, vehiclepart)// I think the meaning is clear

OnPlayerDamageVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, Float:damage, bodypart) would be better. Not really even sure about the bodypart bit, probably not detectable and/or irrelevant.

Originally Posted by MP2
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OnPlayerDamageVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, Float:damage, bodypart) would be better. Not really even sure about the bodypart bit, probably not detectable and/or irrelevant.
We could like, detect when a player shots a vehicles tire etc?

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