[Plugin] YSF - kurta999's version

Originally Posted by RazorGuigo
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Oks, how bad about colors, I would love the new colors 3 & 4,

But on the vehicle, I think if you create the vehicles for the player, and create strings to have a similar id, or new macros, and do an improvised synchronization, to do something that can work (just do not know in the matter of stability)
Wtf are you talking?

SetPlayerAttachedObjectForPlayer: already done, others are not possible

Originally Posted by MyU
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Wtf are you talking?
She is very funny lol
PHP код:
SetVehicleModelForPlayer(playerid,vehicleid, &modelid= -1);
//If the model is -1, resynchronizes the true, And returns it! 
You're driving an infernus, but your friend thinks it's a BMX!

Hahaha, I'm a crazy guy!

@OFF: the translation of my signature-> "Mito da Programaзгo Orientada a Gambiarra."
would be in English: The God of improvisation of crazy codes Without any sense (sweating like it was POO)
(On the Portuguese board I am known for this)

Originally Posted by kurta999
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SetPlayerAttachedObjectForPlayer: already done, others are not possible
What you think about adding, SetVehicleModel(vehid, newmodel); ? : o

Originally Posted by kurta999
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SetPlayerAttachedObjectForPlayer: already done, others are not possible
Thanks Kurta beautiful

But I think they are possible, I made some ideas, and I wrote down, contact me afterwards pls


Originally Posted by jlalt
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What you think about adding, SetVehicleModel(vehid, newmodel); ? : o
That's right,
The actual vehicle is that of the driver, but for the other players, it may be another model


Hahaha, I'm a crazy guy!

Bixu piruleta !

Nice ideia Razor, i like this

- Native:
AttachPlayerToVehicle(playerid, vehicleid); // SA:MP need this too !

Originally Posted by jlalt
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What you think about adding, SetVehicleModel(vehid, newmodel); ? : o
Just changing the vehicle model after vehicle created is impossible. Using 3-4rd colors impossible too without client side modifications

"But I think they are possible, I made some ideas, and I wrote down, contact me afterwards pls" if you have any ideas then write it here or in PM, function what i said that already done, will.be in r19-2

Originally Posted by kurta999
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Just changing the vehicle model after vehicle created is impossible. Using 3-4rd colors impossible too without client side modifications
Oks, how bad about colors, I would love the new colors 3 & 4,

But on the vehicle, I think if you create the vehicles for the player, and create strings to have a similar id, or new macros, and do an improvised synchronization, to do something that can work (just do not know in the matter of stability)


I sent my discord in Private message, then contact me I have good ideas for your wonderful plugin,
And also some functions to report that they are in trouble!

Other cool ideas for the plugin:
  • AttachNatObjectToDynamicObject
  • AttachDynamicObjectToNatObject (Very useful for lighting bugs)
  • SetSyncAngleNatObjectAttached+ "bool:x, bool:y, bool:z"(Synchronize angles of specific axes in attach objects in other)
  • SetSyncAngleDynamicObjectAttached+ "bool:x, bool:y, bool:z"(Synchronize angles of specific axes in attach objects in other)
  • RemoveBurnToPlayer+ (If the player is on fire, it goes out)
  • RemoveAllFiresForPlayer+ (Remove all flames from the map to the player)
  • ForceAnimInAim+ (Allows you to force an animation that is not canceled by the player's aim
  • YSF_OnPlayerWeaponShoot* (A much better function than the original)
  • SetInfinityRotationDynamicObject
  • SetInfinityMoveToObject
  • TogglePlayerFire++ (Allow the player to shoot or not)
  • TogglePlayerRun


+ <-- I did not imagine the method, so I'm not sure if it's possible!

* <-- Would work with lagcomp 0, maybe if possible, and could be canceled with your return value!
Recognize shots of (rocket lances, grenades, spray, fire extinguisher ...)

++ <-- I've seen her on a slide-client, but I have some ideas on how to make it possible

Too unmarked, trouble-free development is possible!

Man, i appreciate your ideas, but 98% of them arent possible. I dont have acess to client, so it means that i only can play with server side things.

98% serious?
Of which I'm sure it's possible 5 of them, and 1 partially!
And the other 6, is what you said, which needs client-side


I do not have a good knowledge of hooks,
Nor does it practice with plugins, but I can help with their method and logic

Let's go there optimism , that improvisation is with us!

PHP код:
native CallFunctionInScript(const scriptname[], const function[], const format[], {Float,_}:...); 
Don't print error.

PHP код:
if succes
if failure
-if script not exist 

Originally Posted by AbyssMorgan
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PHP код:
native CallFunctionInScript(const scriptname[], const function[], const format[], {Float,_}:...); 
Don't print error.

PHP код:
if succes
if failure
-if script not exist 
What about function[] returned value?

Originally Posted by Spmn
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What about function[] returned value?
Hmm. Actually you're right, but displaying in the console information that the file does not exist is probably unnecessary.

Not sure if there's been posts about this before but any idea why I'm getting this?

 Loading plugin: YSF.so
./samp03svr: symbol lookup error: plugins/YSF.so: undefined symbol: _ZNKSt8__detail20_Prime_rehash_policy11_M_next_bktEj
Debian 7 Wheezy 64bit.

Can you make objects attached on vehicle not collide with others vehicles? Because if i surround a car with objects its pretty much indestructible.

Originally Posted by Dignity
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Not sure if there's been posts about this before but any idea why I'm getting this?

 Loading plugin: YSF.so
./samp03svr: symbol lookup error: plugins/YSF.so: undefined symbol: _ZNKSt8__detail20_Prime_rehash_policy11_M_next_bktEj
Debian 7 Wheezy 64bit.
I just got the same error switching to a new VPS. Also using Debian 7 64bit.

Originally Posted by AbyssMorgan
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Is possible to get any information for this ?


Rotations / offsets
AFAIK server doesmt stote anything related to that

Vehicle drive-by shooting is synched as it was in pre-lagcomp versions, by checking if FIRE key is pressed in ID_VEHICLE_SYNC packet. So, you can't determine where bullets go unless you do manual raycasting.

If I use the native function AllowNickNameCharacter for allow russian characters, RegEx return false, wtf?

PHP код:
static isRussianCharacter[] =
'А''а',    'Б''б',    'В''в',
'Г''г',    'Д''д',    'Е''е',
'Ё''ё',    'Ж''ж',    'З''з',
'И''и',    'Й''й',    'К''к',
'Л''л',    'М''м',    'Н''н',
'О''о',    'П''п',    'Р''р',
'С''с',    'Т''т',    'У''у',
'Ф''ф',    'Х''х',    'Ц''ц',
'Ч''ч',    'Ш''ш',    'Щ''щ',
'Ъ''ъ',    'Ы''ы',    'Ь''ь',
'Э''э',    'Ю''ю',    'Я''я'
stock PreloadAllowNickCharacters() {
0sizeof(isRussianCharacter); i++) {
AllowNickNameCharacter(isRussianCharacter[i], true);

RegEx build -
PHP код:

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