French part of the forum

Originally Posted by HeLiOn_PrImE
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I don't visit that section, and I had no info at all on why it was removed, but if people go out of boundaries with the language, as a forum owner I would want to take severe actions.

Keep in mind that the average age here is 13. This forum is dedicated to learning the ways and development of pawn language, not improving your dirty language.

And protesting by talking French in this topic isn't the right way to solve your issue. It's just a way of saying "please lock this topic" and I'm sure you don't want that.
There are many post for development of pawn langage. French section is also a place of help and share.
There were just some debates in the chat room, and maybe some peoples have been choqued ?

i came back after 9999 years of inactivity just to say inb4 lock

GTAOnline, а l'ancienne

Bref, comme si la commu francophone assez fragile par moment avait besoin de ne plus avoir sa partie sur le forum officiel M'enfin, dйcision absurde, on ne peut rien contre les cons.

Sйrieux yen a ils font tiep.
Entre les mecs qui disent "Vous кtes pas actif on vous jerte" dans dйconner on est la France, une des langues les plus parlй et lа "Bah tu sais les Franзais pue la merde" C'est un peu ce qu'il nous dit le p'tit gars.

Et sans rire, Dutheil tait toi c'est meme plus drфle.

Tu fait tellement pitiй Dutheil...
Sa deviens grave, sa te monte a la tкte d'кtre fort en "Pawn".
Ta aucun respect pour tout ces gens. Pourquoi on aurais du respect pour toi? Honte а toi.

Parce que je ne suis pas sйrieux dans mes propos, moi-mкme je me choque dans ce que j'йcris, mais bon, mes conneries tueront personne.
Aprиs j'prends avec humour les mecs qui pensent que j'prends le melon sur ce forum dы а mes capacitйs, j'ai le droit d'en rire. Je n'dis pas qu'j'suis fort en Pawn, je montre seulement mes capacitйs par le biais de mes partages, car il faut que l'on s'entraide et qu'on apprend mieux grвce а des applications du langage.

Bah arrкte de dire ca ..

pls speak english because i dont understand what you guys are saying

Originally Posted by Dutheil
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Parce que je ne suis pas sйrieux dans mes propos, moi-mкme je me choque dans ce que j'йcris, mais bon, mes conneries tueront personne.
Aprиs j'prends avec humour les mecs qui pensent que j'prends le melon sur ce forum dы а mes capacitйs, j'ai le droit d'en rire. Je n'dis pas qu'j'suis fort en Pawn, je montre seulement mes capacitйs par le biais de mes partages, car il faut que l'on s'entraide et qu'on apprend mieux grвce а des applications du langage.
qu'on apprenne, Ribйry.

Originally Posted by Dutheil
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Parce que je ne suis pas sйrieux dans mes propos, moi-mкme je me choque dans ce que j'йcris, mais bon, mes conneries tueront personne. blablablabla go а l'йcole pour l'orthographe
T'es encore bien plus abruti que je le pensais. My God

Originally Posted by Chipardeur
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qu'on apprenne, Ribйry.
Sorry j'suis fatiguй ptdr

Right for everyone moaning about it, The frnch section is here: and I can view it perfectly fine.

Originally Posted by Spydro
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Right for everyone moaning about it, The frnch section is here: and I can view it perfectly fine.
You cannot create threads or reply to threads.

it was nothing to do with ISIS and shits, dutch section was removed too.

At least the section isn't deleted/lost fully.

hopefully someone can enlighten everyone.

I agree, that they should know why the french forums are gone. But, ****** translate is all users' friends! You all could translate english > french to know what they are saying and french > english to, yourself chat.

Originally Posted by Karan007
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I agree, that they should know why the french forums are gone. But, ****** translate is all users' friends! You all could translate english > french to know what they are saying and french > english to, yourself chat.
****** translate is hardly accurate... Most people know that too.

There is no substitute for having peers of your native tongue to converse with regarding a specific topic.

The section simply needs to be brought back, same with the other section mentioned.

If mods are needed, then they can be found.

-=-=-=- Edit -=-=-=-

Upon looking further into it, looks like it's been archived. RIP French section... Looks like you'll need to make a French support thread.

Originally Posted by Hamiltonn
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No problem. I know that you can't understand our problem.
Believe me I do understand. If it was indeed improper behavior, it was the moderator's fault for not doing his job.
The romanian section is headed the same way if they don't replace our moderator who's beed inactive for a while now. So yeah removing the section on the spot was not a good decision.

Yet constantly breaking the rules on a totally different section isn't the answer. Why don't you french people get that?
You didn't pay for having access to this forum, so it's not like they have obligations towards you.
In the end it's about having some common sense.
If someone shows a lack of it, it doesn't mean you should do the same.

Ik spreek Nederlands

Ik spreek een betje nerderlands, ja.

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